Friday, June 29, 2018

Being Brave; Living a Solo Life


Several months ago I decided I needed to just be me. I’m tired of people treating me like I’m an option and not a priority. We as a society treat people as options if they don’t conform to your ways. I have some fabulous supportive people in my life but on the days I can’t do life they back away. I’m generally a positive person but my life is not always a fun place to be. I’m trying to cope. I get out of bed everyday. I go to work and I make plans. Over the years I’ve done things, been places, explored the world. I’ve had company but somehow when the plans come to things I wanted to do I’m the bad one for being upset that I spend thousands of dollars and don’t get to see Hatchards book shop in London because someone else wasn’t happy with the agenda but told me to make the plans. In my world I’m tired of being an option instead of a priority. Scott used to plan with me. We each got to do things but that’s not been the case. I plan for family trips everyone gets to do their thing but when it’s my turn they rearrange the plans. So this became something I needed to do for me. I lost my partner in love and life. I make a new life even when I don’t want to. I’m done bending for people who won’t bend for me. So here we go!!

Where do you say? How do you know where to go? A suggestion from a patient and his wife. An idea was born six months ago. You can go to Mt Rushmore and they have bus tours. You can see the world alone and still be around people. Checking flights, too expensive. Okay let’s drive and see what ever I want. So I mapped a route on the Roadtrippers app.

I ordered the South Dakota State visitors guide. I discovered my patients care that I live. I have used that guide with a patient who used to travel the country. He has helped me map a route. He can’t wait for me to return to see it all since he can’t go. The car is loaded, the snacks are riding shotgun and books on audio are ready to go!! I have my camera and I'm armed with a general plan. I off to be me. I'm off to see me and a bunch of wonderful things along the way. Road Trip!! Deadwood, South Dakota here we come!


I received the Solo Dice from a fellow SLP as a reminder that I can do this. It is in my power to make my life happen. I do care about the people I'm not good enough for but I am good enough for me. It's taking me a lot of prayer, internal power, meditation and just doing it to make all of this happen. I must keep living. No matter what happens in this life I have been given it I have to keep going. It may not be what I want it's what I have to do. So let's get this motor running. I hope Moose enjoys his cat sitter and doesn't ask for too much Moose time in the middle of the night..

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