Tuesday, March 24, 2015


Why yes of course I can!! So strange things happening in my house again!! I walked into my room and there were socks everywhere!! The door was closed so no cats were in there and the socks were in the basket by my dresser. A sock was on my nightstand by my picture of Scott!! Really!! What is the meaning of socks all over my room? Is there a message because it's much easier to decipher the radio and the dimes all over the house?

I didn't hear back from the real estate agent so I'm back to second guessing myself. Do I really have enough reason to leave my comfort zone. Lord knows I've dealt with enough change. I'm a very old person in a middle aged body!! Maybe that's why I prefer the company of my cat, my patients, my family and a very select group of friends. Not sure why people go overboard impressing other people when if you treat everyone with kindness life is amazing.

Well so let's see how I can keep myself motivated this next week. What should I do with myself? What part do socks play in my crazy Angel messages? I need to focus on something besides my heart. Anyone have any suggestions? I don't have enough energy to do anything besides work and sleep. It's time to stop dreaming of something that I can never have and just go with what I have!! So maybe moving isn't the answer today! Maybe I'm better of as the crazy old widow lady who scares the neighbor children with the evil eye!!

Everyone should be scared of me I really am crazy, socks move on there own in my house and it's March Madness so you do know the TV changes channels on its own! I really don't like basketball!! I don't need an anxiety attack!!

Ok I'm going to go put the socks in the drawer!! Maybe my message is the socks should be put away!! I'm not the laundry fanatic in this house. I'm good if it's clean and I get dressed out if the dryer!!

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