Sunday, January 8, 2012

Marathoning Magic

“We were made to enjoy music, 
to enjoy beautiful sunsets, 
to enjoy looking at the billows of the sea 
and to be thrilled with a rose that is bedecked with dew… 
Human beings are actually created for the transcendent, 
for the sublime, for the beautiful, for the truthful...
and all of us are given the task of trying to make this world
a little more hospitable to these beautiful things.”
― Desmond Tutu

I was watching an interview Oprah did with Steven Tyler on the OWN channel the other day. In is they are discussing music and Steven Tyler says "music is a gift from God." Oprah looks at him says "or Music is God." With that Steven Tyler hugs her and tells her she is absolutely correct. 

I have to agree. I am surrounded by music, my life has a soundtrack that didn't happen until Scott left me to join the Heavenly plane. I don't always know how or when the soundtrack comes through but it does at just the most amazing moments. I have discovered that I can't hide from it. Just as I can't hide from the world. I have these times when I get to pretend the world is only in my little reality. You see my house is the place I want to be a lot of the times. I get to have these moments where I get to live with my memories. It doesn't seem all that healthy to do all the time so I only do this once in awhile. 

I have so much energy this weekend but I upset my sleeping schedule to cheer my friends running the Disney 1/2 and full marathons this weekend. I wish I could have been there but I'm so proud of them. One of my friends ran both. This means she and her husband conquered the Goofy challenge. I'm glad I was able to cheer them on. She has been a huge cheerleader for me during all the days, weeks and months since I lost my Scott. She cheers me on in my life adventures and I'm glad I could do the same for her.  

I hope I get to hug her in person soon. You see the last week Scott and I were in Florida we were supposed to meet Carrie and her husband, Scott. In one of life's little twists it didn't happen.  It just a little thing but a big impact. So this weekend I shared my quiet time with my memories of my love and cheering my friends. I will keep stepping forward. I will keep making it and looking forward to conquering my own life of marathons! It will happen.  I can do it! 

I have so many cheerleaders in my life that I can only return the energy..Another one of those started a group of amazing people on a journey to achieve a goal of fitness and Disney together. What a better place to support your friends. . I love how so many special people are in my life because of one woman with a dream shared the power of the word - believe. Barbara, I Believe! I know I can make my own personal goals happen. It will just take more strength and courage to complete my own journey. I have found the joy and power I receive from helping others makes my own pain a bit less. I just want to make the world a bit more beautiful for others, just as I believe Scott continues to send me a message of love and encouragement through the power of music. We can all make the best things happen if we Believe!

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