Sunday, August 19, 2012


Family is the most important thing in the world.
Princess Diana

How else do you survive without your family? There are many kinds of family. Those you are born into, those your marry into and the people you choose to claim as your family. I have a great family I was born into and them my chosen family is amazing. I am so very lucky to be surrounded by so many wonderful people in my life.

I have been looking for a photo to show Hannah for weeks now. I finally found it. The joy of multi-generational photos from years past. My Mom always talks about my paternal grandmother and how I am the image of her. Over the summer Hannah asked and I found the photo of Grandma Mary, Daddy, Great-Grandma Powers, my brother and I. I scanned it into the computer and showed her the photo. Her first comment was about me as a child! "Oh My! You look exactly the same!" It is funny how the strength of our looks continues across the years. I only hope to continue to age as gracefully as my Grandmother did. 

It was a fun moment to show Hannah her history. A history of people I love dearly that she will never know. I was ten when my Grandma Mary died and Hannah was three when her Grandpa died. Not many kids get to sit on a couch cuddled in the arms of your Great Grandmother listening to stories of days gone by and singing songs from her past. Those people are gone physically but they are still very much loved. This week will mark the 13 year anniversary of my Daddy's trip to Heaven. I look in the eyes of my daughter and wish she could have known the man I knew. I do know she is blessed to have my Mom and stepBob in her life. 

Today was a day of solitude for me. I try to do things and entertain myself. Today was about reflection and relaxation. I don't know the answers but I do know my life matters because of my family. The most important person in my life is Hannah. Without her I don't know where to go or be. Tomorrow is back to the daily grind. I keep trying to make my life in the simple tasks. It may not matter if I pulled weeds today. It may not matter if I did the laundry or not but spending time with my memories of people who helped shaped me into the person I am today was important. I may have the genes that make me look like Grandma Mary but what I remember was the kindest most gentle lady. I'm sad that I didn't get to spend more time with her like I  did my maternal Grandma. I want to be here for my daughter into her journey into the beautiful woman she is becoming. I matter to her and that keeps me going through all of the trials and tribulations.

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