Monday, August 20, 2012

Laugh, Play, Live, Love

"Laugh when you can, apologize when you should and let go of what you can't change. Kiss slowly, forgive quickly, play hard, take chances, give everything, and have no regrets. Life is too short to be anything but happy." - a wall plaque in a store

If there were a day where you can't get the words out this would be one of them. I just can't understand how  life can end so quickly for so many at young ages. I have words that I just can't get out of my head, so I will list them here and see if helps. Unfair, BS, crap, sucks and most often WHY!!! I wish I could answer the question and I have a hard time accepting but I can do what I do best, believe and live forward. Today a friend from college died this morning. I don't know any details other then there are a whole bunch of people who will miss him greatly and he touched lives everyday in his job as a high school teacher and student council sponsor. The entire lives of a future generation have been touched even into his death.

How do you know when you are where you are supposed to be? You don't until after the fact. I know I was where I was supposed to be today for a friend on the phone. We always seem to be in the right place for each other. Isn't that what a part of life is about? Giving everything to someone who needs you for a few moments in a day. We all impact the lives of each other. There are many things I can't change but I work with the life I have been given and I live forward. I think about both my friends today. One who needed an ear and one who crossed the bridge.

I want to keep giving my life everything I can. I want the people in it to know they matter to me. Life doesn't always go the way we want it. We end up crawling through windows and peeking into those new open doors. I see how that happens each day for me in my choice to live forward. We reach for happiness, kindness and love. Then at some point we have fulfilled our duties on Earth and join the Heavenly Bodies to continue our lessons on another plane. My friend that passed away this morning made a difference in my life. I will always remember the laughter and fun. I'm still at a loss for words as this person had a gift of making others want to be a better person.

I'm also still amazed that I needed the depth of the phone call today before I even knew I needed it. There is a plan for each of us and it happens when we least expect it. My heart was ready to handle the news of the newest Angel in Heaven. I am still at a loss for words to describe how the events of about 45 minutes changed my attitude for the day. Treasure your friends and family. This could be your expiration date. I know I want to leave behind the love I feel in my heart without any regrets. I want to know I made someone else's day as much as they made mine. I want to know I changed a life that I mattered in my time here on Earth.

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