Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Watchful Eyes

Watchful Eyes

What a beautiful day rain and all. This morning my alarm went off on my phone because I forgot to turn it off. I woke up from a great dream which included a wonderful friend in my life. I didn't realize I had the dream until something in our room triggered and I smiled. A few minutes later I got a text from the person I was thinking about. What a great way to start my day and know there are connections that we must just accept. 

We went about our business for the day with our routines. Breakfast in the Innkeepers Club lounge and out to the back door of EPCOT. We were headed to a meet. We haven't made many plans. We have gone without a schedule this trip except for a few little items. This was our one plan - an AllEars Meet with Deb Wills and the gang. Deb is one of those people who knows everyone and is still amazingly humble. She gave me the honor today of walking up to me with a huge hug. She took the time to honor me and ask how I was doing. She told me she keeps track of how I'm doing through FB. I know my life story through my loss of Scott and my willingness to be so open has touched more lives then I have ever imagined possible!!! 

We made our way around World Showcase eating, walking, eating, talking, eating, drinking. It was a very relaxing day. Two and a half years ago Scott and I talked about doing this exact trip - no rushing or racing allowed. He knew it was a dream for me to just be and enjoy our time together in my magical place. I'm so glad Lynne is here to share this trip with me. I miss Betsy and Susan nut we are all where we are supposed to be. 

After a beautiful nap in the room during a nice afternoon shower we made our way to the Club Lounge for more food. Yes we have been eating all day but not huge sizes and just the right amounts for tastes. I'm never been one to drink much but it has been fun to sample different tastes and favors. As we were walking down the hall to the lounge I hit my left arm on the wall/ fire extinguisher box. I didn't pay much attention but I walked on. Later when we got back to EPCOT for our second go around I looked down and I had cracked the face on my watch. 

My watch is one of those things that has meaning beyond just a watch. In 2008 I bought this watch on a Dec Mousefest trip. It never fit right. It drove Scott nuts. In Jan of 2009 he made the point of asking when we were at Kindlers Jewlers if they would adjust it. We were in there picking out my engagement ring. Little did I know it was going to be the ring he would pick for me. My watch played a part in a magical moment of our life together. Even later he would comment on how he was glad the great ladies at Kindlers made my watch fit. Little would he know what an important part they would give me to keep living forward! 

I commented that I guess I needed to go get a new watch now. We made our way to Mousegears. As I walked up to the counter Scott was there. The music overhead was his favorite song from The Jungle Book. I could feel him! I walked up to the counter and the exact same watch was there. How is that possible?  It's Disney the merchandise changes faster then you can blink. The lady at the counter kept saying you don't have to decide now. She went to look up the numbers. She came back and told me it was the last one. I knew I didn't have to think about it. He was there. 

I love my messages. I'm taking all of my day from beginning to end. I know it is time to keep living forward. Recognizing what I see and what I need in these moments of my life. We each have people in our lives for reason. Take the time to appreciate the Magical Moments, the dreams, the people who matter. They could be gone tomorrow it is important to open your arms to new magical moments.  I know my Angel continues to guide me, surround me with his light and love and protects me each day. Time matters and apparently we each have a time where we are to reach out to each other. A text from a friend that you want to spend more time with, taking a relaxing trip with an important person or knowing you touch the life of a person who spends her days touching the lives of so many others in a magical way. I'm here for a reason - so are you!!! 

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