Saturday, March 24, 2012

Neck Massage Recruits

I'm so tired. A workshop on what basically breaks down to facial massage. Now I just happen to know my partner in the workshop. I didn't know she would be here and haven't seen her in years but once again divine intervention. We've had a great time except she found a lump in my neck. Great just why I need to go see the MD again. Kyle is going to love seeing me. I did warn him I was prone to unusual stuff!!! 

Now when I return I will be seeking practice dummies oh I mean volunteers to practice my face and neck massage techniques on. Be warned you may be drafted. It actually feels great. I was so relaxed with the practice labs this afternoon I came back and took a nap. I was dreading this trip but it has been nice to hang out in the room and rest. I'm making progress on Mickey circles for the afghan I'm making while listening to the jets fly out overhead. I'd rather be on the jet to FIJI but that will happen. 

Disney dissing dude keeps texting almost like he's trying to use his sales rep techniques on me. I hate to tell him I'm smarter then that. I don't need to buy any furniture for the church. I struggle stepping in one still!!  I don't want someone who has to sell me on them. I'm wise to those techniques! I'm beyond my college years - hehe! Crystal not a word about my secrets from college. I don't want to be part of someone's admiration society. I deserve to be more in someone's life! I'm keeping my own personal rules and standards. 

Okay back to practicing massage on myself! This is a time Scott would have been happy to let me practice. He wouldn't let me put the electrodes on him to practice way back when but I can hear him now. He'd be helping me name all those throat muscles. Maybe a visit in my dreams will make this all so much easier. Off to the big comfy lonely king sized bed. Pillows just don't hug very well but I know what I want and I won't settle for anything less!!!

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