Friday, March 23, 2012

Peaceful Journey

“There are four questions of value in life... What is sacred?
Of what is the spirit made?
What is worth living "for, and what is worth dying for?
The answer to each is same. Only Լ❤ƔЄ...ღ.”
― Johnny Depp

I've been dreading traveling again this weekend. I'm not sure why but I don't really feel like being alone. There are several different paths to take to make the journey to Houston. Today I dawdled packing. I'm not sure why. Then I sat in the driveway thinking, "which way to I want to go?". I just finally started driving with my own mental turn by turn in my head. It sure felt like Scott. I ended up going a way he always talked about driving when we were to go down for our beach engagement photos. It was like he was with me. Strange I know if you don't believe in that sixth sense but I had an overwhelming sensation of not being alone. I could hear him pointing out the sights and all if the patches of wildflowers. You know it is a requirement if you are educated in Texas to know them all! I've got the bluebonnets down!! I just wasn't alone today. Very odd feeling at times but it was very peaceful.

As I was driving I had sudden memories of a good ol Sunday drive with my great aunts. They are all in heaven too but I will always treasure them. It's funny because the first trip Scott and I took together was to a conference workshop for me. It took us forever to get to Dallas because we wound our way around the Texas countryside with a stop at every place he had ever lived. I miss my best friend and companion. He made the most of his alone time and together we had great evenings. I believe! Those powerful feelings of presence and the magic of the music make it impossible for anyone to ever convince me I'm wrong.

Then there were the White Toyota Tundras that always seemed to be behind me! Really! The trip is 189 miles and for about 110 of them multiple Tundras behind me, beside me or in front of me. At one point three of them at once! I guess I have to put aside my panic and feel the spiritual side of my being. Love is the most powerful pull in the universe. So here I am in the giant king sized bed watching Basketball on the TV alone. I HATE basketball! It stresses me out. Yet it was Scott's other love - March Madness. I rarely turn on the TV in a hotel room but tonight it was the voice again. Lately the presence has not been so often but today very strong. I'm not upset, I'm not sad or crying. I just feel very much at peace. I'm just going to keep listening with my heart! It's never wrong! Sometimes the moments of just knowing make life so much easier. So now it's time for the KU game! Go Jayhawks, if my heart can take the stress!

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