Tuesday, November 29, 2011


That which a man willingly shares, he keeps.
That which he selfishly keeps, he loses.
       - Anonymous

Scott and I used to play games. Not emotional games. I'm not that kind of person. You know when I love you and I'm an all in kind of person. Scott was very much the same way. I was remembering today disappearing in his eyes and how wonderful that feeling is to have, to share. That place that connection. No Scott and I used to play real games. Yahtzee, Trivial Pursuit, and of course Toystorymania on the Wii. I was looking for the cat the other day and I found two of the games under the bed. I'd forgotten they were there. It is funny the things that trigger great memories. I left them there. It's not like I need to put them back in the game closet. They aren't much fun to play by yourself. It wasn't the games, however, that made me smile. It was the competitiveness that was part of our relationship. We were always trying to outdo each other. The fun part was there was never a loser. We could spend all day together working, keeping life professional but still have that competitive drive to tease and torture each other without others knowing it was going on. 

I think about all the things we could say or do an no one else would understand. It is very possible to have a life and love that is made up in all areas of living. As I was getting ready this morning I was looking at the mementos of our relationship I have kept on my bathroom counter. One of those was something he kept in his office at all times but it would seem like just a random sticky note to someone else but to us it was love. The other was a game we used to play when I was out of town. I would leave notes around in places for him to find. The note he kept says "I Miss You!" It is there with the other that are truly love notes. I love the rewards from our games. I miss those moments. I miss myself too. I miss the person I know I truly am. The greatest gift I have to give is love. 

I don't care the hurt involved I can never stop sharing my love. I love in so many ways to so many people. I'm glad I was given the chance to share love in the way it is meant to be. Life is more then what I can conquer on my own for myself. It is about what I can be and what I can give of myself. There was another quote I found tonight:

Every man goes down to his death bearing in his hands only that which he has given away.
       - Persian Proverb

I know in my heart Scott knows the love he gave to so many. I know the power of sharing the love he gave to me. It didn't matter to him that I have a few "ehhum" extra pounds, a bit of a temper when upset or moments of melting into an emotional mess. He loves me for who I am and my love for him. Whatever it was he saw in me was for the good! He always told me I made him a better person. I know the same was for him with me. I want to keep doing that. I want to continue to be that person he fell in love with. That person that made a difference in his life. He may be gone but I am still that person. When it is my time to be in the loving arms of God it will matter that loving was my priority in life. It comes in so  many different forms that no one is right. You just have to take the time to give of it freely. If it is important enough it will be returned. It has to be it is the best gift in the world. No amount of fear of failure, heartbreak or loss will ever convince me otherwise.  It is ok to take a chance. The stars will never be in just the perfect place you just have to leap with all your might and find a way to make it work. Games of love are always worth the risk. 

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Not So Much

Survival! It seems to be the way of the world for me. I could do so many things but sometimes I chose to sit back and retreat. The world is celebrating and I'm hiding. I did the football/band mom thing. It was a great high but as all good thing I had to bounce back to reality. I've tried to be positive and focus on life but I have a few choice words for myself and a few choice words for Scott for leaving. It is really hard to hang on when Hannah isn't here.

I haven't left the house since I got home on Friday afternoon. I watched three movies, read three novels, ate lots of leftover, played on the computer and cried. Lots and lots of tears. Lots of anger and sadness. I'm in charge of my life and myself but this is crap. I have a patient that talks about how is life is so lonely. His is very self imposed and I'm trying not to do that to myself. How do you keep from it when the rest of the world seems so together. It is times like these that I know I'm not where I'm supposed to be. How could this be where I'm supposed to be?

So I've done what I know I can do - Prayed! Lots and lots of prayers. With that came more tears and some very strange answers at some very strange moments. I'm trying. I'm on the stupid rollercoaster and  the seat belt is loose. I don't know how to hang on and sometimes I don't know if I want to hang on. I know who I am and I know where I am. I'm not crazy! I'm grieving. I don't know at what point my life will be different.  It is times like these that the anger and sadness come out all at once. Do you know how horrible that makes me feel? The people who see this the most are the ones closet to me. When the smallest thing happens and I can't cope anymore. When the bottom of my life drops out and I have to deal with changes. I do really well most of the time but at what point to I get a break.

I realize I'm not the only one in this world who has experienced these sensations but when you spend enough time with your own thoughts rationalization and acceptable behavior gets tossed to the curb. There are so many times I just want to walk away and start over but that doesn't change who I am or where I've come from. Sometimes I just need someone to stop and listen without me having to ask. I just need to have someone hold me up so I can melt for a bit. Let me melt and I will find my feet again. I just wish the world wasn't so overpowering with all the things others think we should be doing. I'm trying not to listen but it's hard to get through one holiday when the day you finish the next is being pushed at you. How do I cope with one day at a time? I don't know but I've come this far. I guess I just keep trying, sometimes just not so much though!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Heaven is for Real

Hannah got a gift for Confirmation of the book "Heaven is for Real." Tonight I have started and finished the book in about 4 hours with a few breaks in between. I have had a rough day. This morning the overwhelming sense of loss and why me. I spent of few minutes in self pity and asking God to help me through, to be surrounded by light and love. I know at one point I asked for proof that I was only in a nightmare and I was going to wake up and Scott would be grinning and using his little boy charm that I love. I guess I'm awake and working my way through the day.

I managed to make a meal for Mom, Bob and myself. It was nice and quiet and I enjoyed a time in the sun on the patio. Clean up was a breeze and the food was just want I was craving. I have a nice life. I try really hard  not to whine and complain but that piece will always be there. In the book I read today. The little boy is describing his trip to Heaven as his father tells the story to us. The Dad is a pastor but even this time answers many questions for him too. For me I found what I have been searching for in my spiritual journey. I've never lost my faith in all of these months but I have wondered how to know the prayers are heard. I know when Scott left us here on Earth. I know he won't be back in his human form but I also know the prayers I said were answered. We found him. Now I have new prayers and I know they are being answered. Maybe not as fast as I would like but they are there.

I know in my heart the words we say to God in our prayers don't need to be all flowing and wordy. We can ask for things in a simple form. It is okay to pray from our heart. It is okay to live life with the wonder and joy of childhood. We can fulfill our societal adult roles without losing our wonder and joy. It is okay to reach for God with simplicity. I know my prayers are being answered. I just have to continue to trust in the Lord's plan for my life is what I feel in my heart. I have to be willing to continue in my daily prayers and allow time to happen in it's own pace. My wishes aren't that very far away. My heart feels the answers. I know Scott will always give me to infinity and beyond. I know where I belong. I just have to trust the places I am headed are the rainbows of answers for my prayers. So now my heart is lighter then it was when I started out my day.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Thanksgiving Eve

Thanksgiving Eve:  Is that really a term? I'm not sure but I guess it is true since it is the day before Thanksgiving. I have worked very hard at being thankful. It seems like it should come easy. I have a great life, a beautiful daughter, wonderful friends and a supportive family. I get to do fun things and enjoy a fruitful life. It really isn't as easy as it should be. I know I'm still here living a life but holidays are so full of memories that are joyful yet painful.

We all know I have food issues. It is even worse then it used to be. I don't know what my poor daughter is going to do with me when she has to care for me. I hope she doesn't do to me like Mom does. "She'll find something to eat." Holidays are very much about sharing and families but all my memories are tied to the darn food. I was thinking about all the memories of my childhood Thanksgiving celebrating with my family. It is funny to me how my meal for tomorrow has evolved from my personal favorites. I don't mind cooking things I won't eat for others. I love having a huge family gathering. I miss sharing those moments.

I'm just stuck in Scott's last Thanksgiving. I know it was a good time for both of us. This would be our year to celebrate without the girls. I'm trying not to be sad. I'm trying not to struggle so I have stuck to the things I find comfort. I baked a pumpkin pie, prepared the green bean casserole, mixed my pink fluff salad, chopped onions and celery for stuffing. Now the part I'm not so good at is the turkey but I will try. I miss the kitchen dance, laughing, joking, teasing and loving. Those are the things that make the food important to me for Thanksgiving. It is the last little bit I can control. The big smile as we set the table for two with the good china, crystal and silverware. The planning of the next year after the wedding. I'm stuck in the holidays of the past.

I know I still have holidays to celebrate but I'm learning. I'm trying in all the rest of the days. I do more then survive in all the rest of the days. I have a life but I don't think I'm ready for more. Sometimes I think I can leap then slap in the face makes me know I can only do life in small spurts from Hannah and I. I'm in a routine. I don't know if it will be a good thing to have more changes. So I make choices that work for what I can handle with as little stress as possible. I may be stuck here forever but I'm comfortable. That is more then I was last year. The panic about the holidays is less but the loss is still very real for me. One holiday at a time. Christmas seems to be easier this year because I have found a way to step out of the normal because that holiday is about Hannah. I can't do that with Thanksgiving yet. Maybe in 20 years I will find a new life.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


It is easy in the world to live after the world's opinion; it is easy in solitude to live after our own; but the great man is he who in the midst of the crowd keeps with perfect sweetness the independence of solitude. 
       - Ralph Waldo Emerson

There are times and places to make due with who I have become. I enjoy my own company. I do have moments of loneliness but I am only trying to please myself and what is right and wrong in my own world. I work for myself and for Hannah. One of my patients enjoys visits from myself and calls my office just to chat. He keeps telling me the thing he misses most in his life is companionship. He forgets he tells me and we have an ongoing discussion about how I do understand because I lost my love. I don't want to be like that in my life, sad and lonely. I don't want to be starving for attention. I am very fortunate because I do have some great people in my life who make each day better. 

I realize I am who I am. I don't know how to be anything but me. I know I have changed but my life isn't about the things I have, the size of my body or how I climb the ladder. I try very hard to treat others as they want to be treated but I also expect from myself to be the best I can be. I know there are moments where I need to have tons of support but there are times when I have to step back and use my own brains to make my life better. I have reached a point where I am comfortable in my own skin and the life I have. I don't know if it is sad or lonely but I can picture myself exactly where I am. I don't know if there will be the companionship in my life or I will spend the rest of my days with my Angel as my company. I don't know but I'm comfortable where I am. 

Yesterday I sat in Church as Hannah complete her Confirmation. I struggled with where I was but I felt where I needed to be in my Spiritual journey. I know in my heart I have the support of God. I know in my heart Scott is a part of the Love I feel in each day. My panic is so much less. I know what I want and I'm trying so hard to get there and be there. After we finished with celebration lunch I took Mom and Bob out to where Scott died. They had never been there. They never got to see what I saw. It never made sense to them until yesterday. There was nothing that could be done. So many places where a well placed what if could have changed a horrendous outcome but here I am. This is my life. I have so much to give to the world. I have learned that without the love for each other there is nothing else in this world that will make a difference. I have more love to give. It is where I will be. 

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Briar's Roses

Today I pulled into the driveway after a very long and stressful day. Oh heck who am I kidding it has been a long and stressful month! As I pulled in I see a glimmer of pink winking at me from the flower bed. I had picked up my kitties from their weekly bath at the vet. Don't ask another stressful event but they don't mind going anymore! It is my quiet night home alone, once again. I don't mind so much anymore. Somewhere somehow it has gotten easier. I miss the companionship but well maybe I'm supposed to learn how to be this way.

Anyway, back to my story. I pulled into the drive and saw the little twinge of pink. That bush is the one Scott used to pick a flower and bring it in to me. I still have the first one he brought to me. That little impish grin, so proud of himself for being so thoughtful to pick a rose from my own shrub. I miss those moments but then I see the rose in the crazy Texas November weather and I know God's magic is at work for me. I pray for those moments and there they are. There is my joy just like the friends that know the right time to show up or call. There is a higher power and we don't get to know all the answers just yet because we are still here.

I believe there are people in my life for reasons I don't understand. I know where I want to be, I just don't always see the path. It isn't as easy as a yellow brick road leading the way. That yellow brick road wasn't trouble free either, flying Monkeys, trees the thump and a misunderstood 'wicked' witch! Hey maybe I do have a yellow brick road in my life, it is just hidden by a bit of moss. I have so many positive golden moments in my life. The pen fairy that visited my office for a drive by, a thank you from a coworker, a text from my daughter (because I'm the only one she can text right now) and even a "hi mom" from the damp kitties in the carrier. My life is a rose peeking out from the thorns.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Discipline is Love

"Only those who do nothing at all make no mistakes... but that would be a mistake."
       - Anonymous

I have learned all kinds of things in my life because I make mistakes. I am by no means perfect. I don't want to be perfect but I do try to do my very best. I'm not the perfect rule follower all the time but there is a time and place to do the right thing for others without thinking of myself first. When I think of where I am in my life I see so many things I have learned at such a tender young age. I spent a lot of time in reflection today while I was driving. It's a good thing I can drive and think at the same time. I have many challenges to face today was not any different. 

There are right and wrong choices to make. Today I had to help my beautiful daughter face some of her wrong choices and face the consequences of her actions. I love her dearly and wish for her to never know the pain I feel daily. However, in my life, as I just told her, I love her more then Scott. Scott knew this and was in complete agreement. She is my reason I have the strength to keep going each day. I hope someday she will read these words and I know I chose to be here because of her. My life only matters because God gave her to me. I will always be there for her even when discipline is the correct path for that love. She is a beautiful, smart, funny and talented young woman. I want only for her to be the best she can be! 

Monday, November 14, 2011

Bait the Hook

Unless we think of others and do something for them, we miss one of the greatest sources of happiness. 
       - Ray Lyman Wilbur

I believe in doing for others to make myself happy. I achieve, I conquer and I am who I am. So I was feeling silly and crazy last night and I have done something completely out of character - let's just say a dating profile was created. I don't know why but oh well I'm trying something different. Who knows if anything will come out of it and it's not like I have to keep going with it. There has been nothing there but well you know trying something completely out of character is another hurdle for me. It feels really strange though. 

Hey it gives me something crazy to do instead of doing something that might be really stupid. I keep picturing our sandcastles and know that I still have more building to do here on Earth. More lives to touch and more happiness to create. So today I smile, tomorrow I will conquer more fears and hey let's see if trying something completely out of character works for me. Since I can't just tell 'em to shut up and kiss me! Maybe it is time to see if there really are plenty of fishes in the sea! Too bad I have such an irrational look at my own looks. I know that isn't what is important to anyone who knows me. I just have to keep remembering my light comes from within and try to love myself.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Get It

"It's a very funny thing about life; if you refuse to accept anything but the best, you very often get it. - William Somerset Maugham

I will continue to give my best. I have hurdles that make life a battle but I chose to keep running and   jumping. The obstacles that I have to combat have made me a stronger person. I want to keep doing my best and make a difference. I work hard to stand each day and face what I have been given. I may not make all the rules, I may not always follow all the rules but I do my best to be my best.  When I look around I don't see myself. I see a place where I'm supposed to make a difference. 

There are so many times when I have wanted to give up. I wish I could just bury my head in the sand and focus on only myself and Hannah. I can't do that. It's  not who I am or will ever be. Last week a friend of mine was at a football game across town. She was sitting next to a woman who knew Scott. Scott mattered to so many people. He never gave up and worked to make a difference in others lives. He believed. He believed in my too. 

Another friend and I have had conversations the past few weeks about how we wish we could just do what we wanted and ignore the needs of others. To skip out and just be about our own wishes. Life doesn't work that way. We have both been giving callings into places where we make a difference even when our frustrations get the better of us. How do I give up on my responsibilities and run away? I'm not supposed to I guess. God has given me gifts that I can't ignore. I was told today that my light shines from within and those who know me see that in me. I believe in so many things. I know there is more to this world then we see but sometimes we have to take a step back from our own selfish needs and find the right path. This world isn't about money or things. It is about love, kindness and helping others. I am where I am supposed to be at this minute. There are things I can't change just yet but someday.

There is a reason I am where I need to be right now. I do make a difference. I can't change others but I can do my part. I just wish I had all the answers to my own life but who am I to judge? I keep going and I will make find where I belong someday. I will find where a life of companionship and love will guide me to the next plane of my existence. "It's okay, I love you!"

Love and Other Drugs

I don't want someone else. I want you. I want to be there to take care of you, to carry you. - a paraphrase from the move Love and Other Drugs by Jake Gyllenhaal character to Jamie Randall to Maggie (Anne Hathaway)

I remember words very similar to that being said to me. The reason I was able to be okay is that Scott was sick too. Two stupid sick people who loved each other very much. We didn't have a chance to make it but I'm happy for what we did get together. It taught me the magic of being loved and loving. I sat here watching a rather extreme end of the "R" movie spectrum that turned into something very poignant for me. How is that possible? Messages everywhere and I can't seem to ignore them. So I'm sitting here at 2:30am trying to get thoughts out of my head. Isn't this the best place for me to do that?  The words just flow from my fingers.

I don't know where I'm supposed to be or go but yet here I am with my thoughts racing again. Movies are they just out there to mess with our minds. Just like all those skinny models who make my life crap when I look in the mirror. Do you know how much it sucks to have an MS day and the person who made sure you were good, boasted your ego, helped you to the bathroom, washed your hair, massaged your tremoring arm and loved you just because isn't there anymore?  I don't feel lovable right now. It's at times like these I'm very frightened of the future. I'm alone and I never want to be a burden on my daughter. Yet here I am. At least with Scott we muddled through. We were rarely sick at the same time. It was always as if we knew we had to be there for each other.

I woke up this afternoon from a real sleep. Not a drug induced dead to the world sucks sleep but a real life rest. Do you know how often that has happened in the last 19 months?  I can count them on my left foot if I were missing toes. I had amazing dreams that were fun and full of laughter. A big burly guy friend dressed i a clown costume and another girlfriend sitting at a counter ordering a cheeseburger making friends with others around us. I was happy when I woke up this morning. You would be too with the clown I saw in my dream.

Our other movie selection tonight would have been the movie that arrived for Hannah, The Time Traveler's Wife. That is the last movie Scott and I watched together with our carpet picnic. I sat in this very spot crying. We had a discussion that night about death and how that would feel to lose each other. I'm the one that got to experience that pain. He will never know the heart wrenching ache that will forever be in my heart. The nights of sitting here crying wishing for a life of bickering, laughter, love, teasing but mostly companionship. I want to grow old in the rocking chairs on the porch watching our grandkids while we hold hands. Cliche' yes but it is still a dream.

I want to be told that I am loved for me! I want to know that it doesn't matter that my weight is a problem. I want to be see for me but I'm afraid of losing my life again. Of finding something so special and it being torn from me because it wasn't where I was supposed to be. The only forever we are guaranteed is death. My Mom and  have been having this conversation about me taking care of her. I notice how much her memory is failing her but somehow in my heart I think it will be the other way around. What do you do when you have hopes and dreams? What do you do when your image of yourself inside your head doesn't match what you see in the mirror? I can only keep hoping. I can only keep praying. The last few weeks have been incredibly stressful. I know there are people who are here for me every step of the way. It is just the times when I'm alone and my head goes to work on itself that I become trouble. I want me back. I want my life back. Is that too much to ask. I want to make life move a bit faster but I don't get that choice. So I work with what tools I've been given. I will make it but darn it can someone find me Love and Other Drugs!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Hope Whispers

When the world says, "Give up,"
Hope whispers, "Try it one more time."
~Author Unknown

I smile and try again. "I'm gonna love you through it!" I see it, I hear it, I feel it! I know it is there. I know I am there! I just gotta believe in the magic. The people in my life that matter and keep me going are my magic. There are some amazing people I trust completely. There are people who let me down everyday but those moments teach me who to be and where I should be. I can keep conquering mountains one pebble at a time. I can give the world my love one smile and hug at a time. I'm not fearless. I'm not perfect! I just keep trying to reach with my heart and soul to the goals that are my life. 

It may be November and time to be thankful but I have to be thankful each and every day that I have been given. Yesterday someone asked me if I was okay and if there was anything they could do. I asked for prayers. I then told them the choices in my life with my health will be time to join Scott into his welcoming arms or stay here and continue on the whatever path I have to complete. Either choice doesn't hurt for me. I win either way. I know others may think otherwise but I am open to all possibilities that I am given. I know I try each day to make a difference, to be the best I can be for all the lives I touch each day. I have fought an ongoing battle recently not just about myself but it made me realize there is a time and place for everything that happens. I just have to understand I am where I am supposed to be even when where I am means I can't have what I want the most! 

Smiles, laughter, hugs, love, dreams, magic and more! I continue to be where I'm supposed to be good days and bad. How could I be anywhere else when I continue to ask to be surrounded by light and love, guide me, protect me and show me the way. I know Scott will always be here for me. He promised me to infinity and beyond. He knows how to help me to where I'm supposed to be! I know he has a lot of help from the arms of God too! How can I lose with that combination!! 

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

The Best of Now and Here

No longer forward nor behind
I look in hope and fear;
But grateful take the good I find,
The best of now and here.

John G. Whittier

How else does one get through were they are? It is so hard to be grateful at times when looking at life makes it all seem hopeless. There are things and people in my life that I look forward to seeing and spending time with. My life didn't end. I've always known that. I haven't made the choice to stop living my life. I have kept going. It is, however, hard to accept that new dreams are there. I have new dreams but I'm afraid of them. I'm afraid to trust myself to have them. The fear in my life is letting go to fully live this new life. How else do you reach out? 

I keep looking for the happiness in each day. I have found that life is all those little moments. The little moments where looking at pictures and teasing a friend matters, a smile to someone you pass in the hall matters, a good morning kiss to my beautiful baby matters. Each day of life matters. I have never forgotten those moments. I just miss all of the moments of my life that I wanted. I don't know if I will ever stop missing those moments or that person but I can and do enjoy the new moments. 

I have pieces of my life that I look forward too each day. I'm who I am and where I am.  Not always what I like to hear but it is what it is. I keep going and my heart will always be full of love to share. This is where I'm supposed to be even if I don't understand who I help or why I have to go through this life. I will keep trying to rejoice in where I am even though I have to fight to keep going. To not give up on myself! I am thankful for so many parts and people in my life who keep giving me hope. People who believe in me and are answers to my prayers to be guided on the right path.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Dog in a Fight

What counts is not necessarily the size of the dog in the fight - it's the size of the fight in the dog.
       - Dwight D. Eisenhower

I feel like this so much more lately. I have been living and hanging on, yet recently I've been fighting to climb back into my life. A friend laughs at my size and I'm most generally easy going but lately there have been things happening that I'm tired of being kicked. I'm stronger then those moments. I know what I'm doing and how to make things happen. I'm not out for myself in life but sometimes I have to be there for myself. Who else is going to do things for me? My "person" is gone. The person I trusted with my life is gone. I have to fight like the tiny little shitzu with the heart of a doberman. This redhead has the spirit of a big bad Marine when provoked. Well I've been provoked into doing things I didn't know I could do. 

Tomorrow I go in for more tests. I don't know if he will find anything or if he is even sure what he is looking for in my diagnosis but at least he is trying. I know what I feel in my heart and soul. I know I have to keep striving to fight for my life. There are things and places I want to be. I'm not sure if I'm on the right path but darn it why can't I get a break. Why can't I be in a place where I am strong but supported by love. Why do I feel so lonely so often? I keep doing what I can only do. I'm the one that has to battle for myself because there isn't anyone who wants to join me  to conquer life. I miss life with a partner. I miss having the person who looks at me, knows what I'm thinking, smiles and says "tell them 'bite me!'" Then holds me to get through the next day, is there to hold my hand and worry when I'm not the best. 

I love my friends believe in me and keep me going with support but darn it!!! Why can't I be where I want to be? Why do I have to be here instead. I still miss my life but I'm adjusting to my new life. Somewhere I have to be in the right spot to be where I want to be and where I'm supposed to be. The spot where I get to have magic moments. Where I get to look up and smile into eyes of love and life. I'm tired of being the fighter but I keep doing it because I don't have a choice. I will fight to be where I'm supposed to be! Can someone just give me a hint where that magic is hiding?

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Heart in a Box

"What you leave behind is not what is engraved in stone monuments, but what is woven into the lives of others.” - Perciles

I'm so driven to complete projects and tasks. I don't like to do things half crapped. I want to do things to the best of my abilities. Sometimes it is possible and sometimes there are people who stand in your way. Scott used to laugh at me because I would get frustrated and then attack a problem at a different way. If I thought I failed he'd make me keep trying. There were several times when something would happen and he would say "just wait! You are right and it will happen!" He always knew when I doubted myself. The last few days I have been struggling with those thoughts again when I can hear him telling me 'you are good at what you do! You do the right thing and believe in yourself!' He left behind pieces of himself that are now a part of me.

I was thinking today about how much we are all connected and our lives matter to each other. There are people I know from childhood who are part of my fabric of who I am now. I may have spent years not knowing them as we grew up but now we have reconnected thanks to technology and they are a new part of my life. I have people I have met through the years that no matter where we go or who we are with we are still connected, no matter what! Scott has given me people to care for me too. The pieces of his life he left for me also came with some great new people I have been meant to share life with.  How else can I be so excited about my guys, my fantasy football guys, or Scott's FB wife. Then I have my new friends that make me laugh and smile. The new friends that see me. I'm trying to find my identity as someone other then the girl that lost her fiance/husband.

That person is here. It is now a piece of who I am but I'm not always that person. I love to laugh and giggle. I love to get things done that matter to others. I know I'm not always right but I like to find the best way to do things and help others. I can and will achieve each day. I battle the hurdles that are thrown my way. I don't like it though. I want a break but I seem to be on a journey that requires something or maybe I'm not listening to my Angel again. Maybe I'm not where I'm supposed to be and I'm getting a message with each crappy hurdle to make the right decision. I can't stay where I am and get what I want. Why is it impossible to have all the pieces of life connect at the same time. I did have it though! I know it is possible. I just keep dealing with 4/4/10 and the pieces of my life that have been left behind.

Sometimes I feel so invisible but then someone touches my life and I know I matter to them. A message on FB, a phone call, but my favorites is when I have given someone a smile to get them to the next spot in life. I touch many people but having that one to share everything with is what I miss most. I'm ready for my dream to come true but I'm not allowed to be there yet. I don't get to choose that dream, not yet! I must still have pieces of me I have to leave behind to help others. So here you go, here is today's piece of me. My heart needs a boost, my arms need a hug and I really need more but there are still some hurdles to cross. Maybe my heart is sitting in a box beating on it's own until I can collect enough pieces to put myself back together. Someplace where someone needs me in their life to share the highs, lows, craps and joy. There has to be a moment where someone will take my heart of this protective box so I can soar once again.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

What Else!

Refresher course is what I needed today! I stopped in to see my favorite mental health professional. She told me how proud of me she is and I just have to keep doing the things that are right for me. The decisions I make have been on the right track. I needed to hear that. I have so many feelings that I don't know how to make some of them happen. I like the smiles. I like the feeling that I have a life and that I'm capable of so much more in life. 

I am happy. Despite all the stress and crap of things that happen each day. I'm full of life and positive. I have a smile and laughter and I feel. I feel hope. I'm still scared of life but I feel. I just take each step and keep going. I'm reaching out and asking the rule be modified. I'm asking for a chance to have a life full of love and laughter. I know I feel it. I know there is a magic to life that will make that happen. 

To love deeply in one direction makes us more loving in all others.   
       - Anne-Sophie Swetchine

I want to make my life happen. I know what I feel and where I am today. I have reached this place because of some really special people. I can be a real bear at times and I'm my own worst enemy but I fight to keep going. I have a choice to reach my dream. I keep going to reach my dream. I'm so different then I was in the short nineteen months ago. I have my ups and downs. I still shed tears of pain and heartache but I know I will always be in love. I will never have to face the possibility of not being in love with Scott. I doesn't mean I can't love again! I have really figured that out. I know where I am today. I know the feelings of joy and laughter. I know the fun of being silly and looking forward to spending time with another. 

I'm glad I had my refresher today. I know I believe in the power of guidance from someplace that we can't see. I know there are people in my life that only can be here because of my ongoing prayers. I continue to ask to be surrounded by light and love, to find strength and guidance to make it forward in my journey of learning to live. I want to live. I want to love. I want to share a life full of laughter and light. I am here. Help me keep going. I know love is possible through the arms of God. We are each in each other's lives are for reasons we don't always understand. Take a moment to find how to be there, you may be surprised what you find when you open your heart. I know I was when I gave up to love with Scott. He would be very disappointed if I hid my heart from the possibility of more! 

I look forward to tomorrow. I may be scared of next week but I can do tomorrow! Then before I know it I will be at next week. I will survive more testing. I will keep my faith in God to answer my prayers. I will be safe and loved. I will be healthy and happy. I will find my dreams. I will get to be where I want to be. I have faith in God to protect me and give me strength.  I have smiles and laughter to share and love to give. There is more for me to answer but I'm afraid of the question of "what else!" I can't answer that question all by myself. There are too many blocks in the road for that to happen.