Sunday, November 13, 2011

Get It

"It's a very funny thing about life; if you refuse to accept anything but the best, you very often get it. - William Somerset Maugham

I will continue to give my best. I have hurdles that make life a battle but I chose to keep running and   jumping. The obstacles that I have to combat have made me a stronger person. I want to keep doing my best and make a difference. I work hard to stand each day and face what I have been given. I may not make all the rules, I may not always follow all the rules but I do my best to be my best.  When I look around I don't see myself. I see a place where I'm supposed to make a difference. 

There are so many times when I have wanted to give up. I wish I could just bury my head in the sand and focus on only myself and Hannah. I can't do that. It's  not who I am or will ever be. Last week a friend of mine was at a football game across town. She was sitting next to a woman who knew Scott. Scott mattered to so many people. He never gave up and worked to make a difference in others lives. He believed. He believed in my too. 

Another friend and I have had conversations the past few weeks about how we wish we could just do what we wanted and ignore the needs of others. To skip out and just be about our own wishes. Life doesn't work that way. We have both been giving callings into places where we make a difference even when our frustrations get the better of us. How do I give up on my responsibilities and run away? I'm not supposed to I guess. God has given me gifts that I can't ignore. I was told today that my light shines from within and those who know me see that in me. I believe in so many things. I know there is more to this world then we see but sometimes we have to take a step back from our own selfish needs and find the right path. This world isn't about money or things. It is about love, kindness and helping others. I am where I am supposed to be at this minute. There are things I can't change just yet but someday.

There is a reason I am where I need to be right now. I do make a difference. I can't change others but I can do my part. I just wish I had all the answers to my own life but who am I to judge? I keep going and I will make find where I belong someday. I will find where a life of companionship and love will guide me to the next plane of my existence. "It's okay, I love you!"

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