Thursday, November 17, 2011

Briar's Roses

Today I pulled into the driveway after a very long and stressful day. Oh heck who am I kidding it has been a long and stressful month! As I pulled in I see a glimmer of pink winking at me from the flower bed. I had picked up my kitties from their weekly bath at the vet. Don't ask another stressful event but they don't mind going anymore! It is my quiet night home alone, once again. I don't mind so much anymore. Somewhere somehow it has gotten easier. I miss the companionship but well maybe I'm supposed to learn how to be this way.

Anyway, back to my story. I pulled into the drive and saw the little twinge of pink. That bush is the one Scott used to pick a flower and bring it in to me. I still have the first one he brought to me. That little impish grin, so proud of himself for being so thoughtful to pick a rose from my own shrub. I miss those moments but then I see the rose in the crazy Texas November weather and I know God's magic is at work for me. I pray for those moments and there they are. There is my joy just like the friends that know the right time to show up or call. There is a higher power and we don't get to know all the answers just yet because we are still here.

I believe there are people in my life for reasons I don't understand. I know where I want to be, I just don't always see the path. It isn't as easy as a yellow brick road leading the way. That yellow brick road wasn't trouble free either, flying Monkeys, trees the thump and a misunderstood 'wicked' witch! Hey maybe I do have a yellow brick road in my life, it is just hidden by a bit of moss. I have so many positive golden moments in my life. The pen fairy that visited my office for a drive by, a thank you from a coworker, a text from my daughter (because I'm the only one she can text right now) and even a "hi mom" from the damp kitties in the carrier. My life is a rose peeking out from the thorns.

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