Friday, September 3, 2010

Standing Room Only

I'm learning to be out there. Football Fridays are very tiring but fun. Up at 5:45, Hannah to school by 6:45, home to get ready for work, make it to work all day, pick Hannah up from school at 3:30, stop at Subway to feed her, she changes, back to school with her at 5:10, run home, wait for Mike and Pamela to pick me up, quick bit to eat and to the stadium by 7:00, game until 10:30, to the band hall at the high school to pick up Hannah, back home. Are you tired reading about my day because I am!

I left out bunches in between that is just the highlights. I loved watching my beautiful daughter marching on the field. She is her own worst critic but not to bad for game 2 of her freshman year. She works her rear off and will only keep getting better because she loves it. I am very proud of her and all she does and continues to achieve with all that has gone on in her life.

I have to say this new stadium is huge. I can't even get pictures to show how important football is in this little town! With the stadium enlargement they went from approx. 400 reserved seats to 820 reserved seats and they are all sold out! That doesn't include the general seating. It is like being in Cowboys stadium with standing room only. People were standing everywhere! Except the seat to my left. It was sold to someone. Not me I promise I didn't buy a ticket for Scott but that seat sat empty of a human body for the entire game. Yes I am very inclined to believe in my love! He loved him some football.

So cheers to Scott and I know he enjoyed our victory over McNeil Round Rock. I just wish I could hold his hand and get my touchdown kiss. Maybe I can but I just don't know how yet. Here's to hoping for ongoing enlightenment to the mysteries of the universe.

Now if I can sleep soon after all the activity of the day = MIRACLE!

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