Sunday, October 16, 2011

Kristen Math

Time and space are fragments of the infinite for the use of finite creatures.
Henri Frederic Amiel

Yes this is why I believe the people from our lives that have worn out their bodies are still with us in their own time. We have this thing with time. We must control it and make it ours yet there really isn't a way to do that. Time is something we measure our lives by but is it really necessary. If we are doing the right thing and being the best person we can be then doesn't that make time irrelevant? I have been measuring my life before Scott, with Scott and after Scott. It doesn't really matter other then I miss him like crazy everyday. It doesn't really matter because I'm trying to make my life important in every moment of "time" I have. 

I measure the moments in my life differently now. I know I have things I have to do for deadlines of different things. I still make my priorities but if I can have a moment to stop what I'm doing and enjoy the moment then I will. I try to do the right thing. I have so many fewer rules for my life. I know that I have to make each moment count. I want that review of my life when it is my time to show that I made a difference. I was the best Mom, daughter, friend and love I could be with the tools I have been given.

My time when I'm looking forward to something works just like this. The day we are in doesn't count and the day the event begins doesn't count. That means I have more days of smiles in the end. So if I'm leaving on a trip next Wednesday today doesn't count! So I only have to face Monday and Tuesday! That means two days before the magic. I've already begun today, it has been achieved and the day I leave means it is here so it really doesn't count. Hannah and Scott call this Kristen math! They went right along with it and when I explain it to most people they seem to think it makes sense to them too!

Now Kristen math doesn't always make sense but when it comes to squeezing the most joy out of a moment I can make the math work. I like trying to ignore the fact that we place limits on ourselves when it comes to time. I keep thinking about when H graduates and how I can do this or that but I know if the opportunity arose and it fit into what my goals were then I would do it. I will take each moment I am handed. I follow rules but sometimes there are moments that need Kristen Math applied to get to where you are trying to go. I'm trying to make a change. I want to make a difference. I will be exactly where I should be in this moment in time!

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