Sunday, October 9, 2011

Shell Cracking

The shell must break before the bird can fly.
       - Tennyson

I guess I need to keep chipping away from the inside if people keep helping from the outside.  I'm not ready to even think about going to work tomorrow. I want to hide from the world. I need my break! I try to get into each day and make it further then I can but I'm tired and worn out. I want my wish to come true. I'm ready for my wish to come true. I hang on for Hannah. I have to hang on for Hannah. I'm really good at faking it but it is very tiring. So here I go on to another week. 

Someday! I will get my wish! Someday my shell will break and this chicken may appear. But for now I'm still hiding. I made it today and I didn't have to leave the house. I will make it tomorrow and I will have to force myself to leave the house. I will plaster on my smile and make it until I can't go anymore.  I will wear out again and I will find a way to recover. I always do I'm just tired of trying so hard to just make it. I want to live to the highest. I want to soar with my love to infinity and beyond. Time to try to sleep maybe I will make it to peace. 

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