Thursday, October 21, 2010

Word Puzzles

Trying to put feelings into words isn't always easy.

This is what keeps going through my head

"Adore Always,
Remember Forever,
Love to Infinty and Beyond"

Those words are so very powerful. Does it put emotions into words. Does it say it all? My heart tells me yes. Not just for me but for the most amazing man. He had his faults but don't we all.

How do you capture something that will be for generations beyond the here and now? We all have family members that have gone on. In my family we don't worship at the grave but we honor the memory. I doubt I will ever see my Grandparents burial spots again but Grandma chose something that does have a place of honor for all of us and the generations to come. I've been to my other grandparents cemetery plot many times because that is what my Aunt and I did. I know my family history walking through the cemeteries and seeing the generations that have come before me. It is silly but Scott and I would drive past old cemeteries and talk about stopping because we were fascinated with the history, the legacy left behind. Someday that will be me too.

We all have a history. We all have a place in this life that forms the future generations whether we ever got to meet them or not. Geneology is amazing. Scott was fascinated with the topic. He wanted to know his family history but also his biological history. He didn't take the step to do that but I'm sure all of his questions have now been answered. In the circle of life we do matter but most of our daily trials and tribulations do not. Taking the equation of love and offering it forward whether we always see eye to eye is our lasting legacy. I could choose to be angry and mad at circumstances and lifes inequities but I work with what I have been given. Money, a nice house, a fancy car and a pool in the backyard don't make me a better person. The love I have for Scott, our daughters and so many others is the legacy I want to leave behind. Scott's legacy was also love. He loved life and spread that gift to so many others. We all deserve the chance to honor his life, to remember his love.

"It will be Okay! I love you!" The words hurt but I'm honored to know those were his last words to me. That I was the last person he spoke to still hurts but he only had words of love! What is more powerful then that? Nothing that I can think of.

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