Saturday, November 13, 2010

Art Imitates Life - Toy Story 3

"Toy Story 3 is about change. It's about embracing change. It's about people being faced with changed and how they deal with it." - Lee Unkrich (Director TS3)

Do you think he knows what these words really mean to this one specific person in the world? Tonight I took the step to take the movie out of the box and watch it. Our plan had been to take Laynie and my niece to see this movie before the wedding. The girls all knew that Scott was "Buzz." This was a HUGE step for me tonight. Yes I cried. I don't think I cried in all the same places everyone else did nor for all the reasons everyone else does.

"Andy" was moving on to college and he had to tell his beloved toys goodbye and growing up and moving on. They were a huge part of his life. I too will someday be able to let go of the "things" in my life that mean Scott to me. I'm slowly making it through the change in my life and trying to come to grips with "who am I?" now. I don't know who that is but I will find my way. This has been the hardest change I have faced in my short life. It wasn't gradual like going off to college or when my Dad or Grandma passed away. The part of the film that was a wish for me - Andy got one last time to play with the toys and tell them goodbye. I wish I had one last day to spend with Scott. I did have one last day. It wasn't a dream day but we did have those together.

The other night I relived one of those dream nights with Scott once again together and sharing all the love we had. Without the pressures of the world beyond. We had two of those "larger then life" moments very recently. I have amazing memories but I would die to have one more moment to say goodbye. I didn't get to say goodbye. I love him to infinity and beyond. I hope Pixar and all the makers know that they have given me magic that will forever be carried in my heart to infinity and beyond.

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