Thursday, November 25, 2010

Today's Holiday

I made it through the day. I'm very picky about what I like to eat and Thanksgiving and Christmas are the worst meals for my pickiness because I only eat them at those times of the year and I love for them to be just right. My last perfect Thanksgiving meal was last year with Scott. It was just right for both of us together. I will forever have that perfect memory. Today I was miserable but I was with my parents and Hannah. My Mom gets creative with the cooking and that just doesn't work for me.

I have survived today. It is another milestone. One holiday at a time. I'm making it but I have to honestly tell you I'm not liking it but I do it because I don't have another choice. Maybe years from now I will look back and have learned lessons from surviving today. I'm not there yet but maybe someday.

We made it home tonight to prepare for Friday Night Lights tomorrow. I feel Scott around me all day and most definitely tonight here in cold weather. I may need some hot chocolate to warm my insides. I didn't do any of the meal cooking today. I slept and I tried to hide but I made it through today and will be screaming and yelling tomorrow. The adrenaline will run through me and I will feel alive once again.

I have tons to be thankful. I do know this but right now I'm just being a sad pitiful person. Not so much fun to be around but my parents and Hannah are making sure I'm not alone. I couldn't ask for better support then that. One day at a time and today my only goal was once again to get out of bed! I did it. I made it through today.

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