Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Freedom and Waiting

I give myself the gift of freedom from the past, and move with joy into the now. - Louise L. Hay

"The worst part of life is waiting. The best part of life is having someone worth waiting for." - unknown

Today didn't start out the best. Not like I had hoped for yesterday. I had the craziest nightmares last night. I woke up about every two hours in fright, flight or tears. It's not easy starting a day that held so much promise that way. The only dream I recall is being held captive in my home with my friends little girl, some cats and Scott by people we couldn't see. The house was under constant surveillance and we had tasks to do to earn freedoms. It was odd to feel so trapped in a life that wasn't right. Hey that sounds somewhat familiar. Maybe I was trying to find answers in my sleep. I just wish it wasn't with so little sleep.

I'm ready to give myself the freedom from the past and move into joy. I think I've been doing this without even noticing because somewhere in today I found smiles, laughter and fun. I can't believe this day actually turned around. It wasn't what I was looking forward to but somehow it was different but it worked. It is amazing how much different life can be when you grant yourself permission to live. I'm making it and I never thought I would be able to say that. I like that I did look forward to today. It didn't make it quite to where I wanted but it was still good. I like to know that I can smile with other people. I like to know I am living and it doesn't take much effort like it used to. 

Hey maybe those daily prayers are working. I'm getting stronger then I even knew was possible. Surround me with Your light and love, guide me, protect me and show me the way! I'm finding my way! Now I guess I have to know that waiting continues to make me stronger too! 

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