Saturday, July 30, 2011

Harry Potter

"You don't need to pity the dead. You need to pity the living, but above all those who live without love." -Dumbledore

Wow what a crazy wonderful day. Even with the mean women at the Humane Society we still managed to have a great day. I have learned that I'm really good at walking away from someone who is yelling at me and going directly to the person who will deal with it. I didn't know I was so good at that but I seem to be learning. I know I could have stayed and said more things but it wouldn't have mattered. So I moved on. The girls may have found a kitten to look at but apparently the timing wasn't right. I'm getting really good at that part of life. I also know when it is time to wait for the right moment. 

The girls and I ran around all day and had my favorite food group for lunch (Mexican)! I am happy. I really don't require much to be happy. Love and Mexican food and I'm yours. When we came home we played an impromptu game of Disney version of Apples to Apples. Did you know if you don't have a fourth you can use the cat as the "dummy." She can't read and doesn't have opposable thumbs so it isn't real easy but somehow I won! I like living in the moments that are my life and the memories I create with Hannah and her friends. 

Hannah and I dropped Holly off and headed to the movies. I only have one complaint about Hannah's driving, other then doing what has now been termed a Hannah (taking a right turn really fast without slowing down), she doesn't know how to get places that she has been hundreds of times. I have decided to say if you can't figure out how to get us there then you don't need to be driving. I'm not sure how someone so smart can be so unaware of their surroundings. She can barely get us out of our neighborhood but I love her anyway. 

We finally made it to the movie theater so I could see HP 7.2. This was Hannah's third time and I have to applaud her ability to not share secrets even if I ask a jillion times. I was doing great other then for some reason the seating just didn't feel right so I moved over to where I would have sat if Scott were with us. He must have been because all was well and right then. It is has never been a problem before but today was different. I was great until Harry discovers the feelings Snape had for his mother and that he had been protecting him out of love all along. I know that feeling of love. I was gone I cried so hard it was a good thing there were only 6 other people in the theater. 

I was where I was supposed to be! Hannah was by my side and I do fully believe that my Angel watches out for me. I wasn't supposed to see that movie alone and I needed to hear the message. I have read the books. I know how the story ends but to see it portrayed on the screen was very powerful. I know that life doesn't end with the death of your vessel. I firmly believe that Heaven is where we are happiest. I know there will be a point in my life where I get my wish. That is not where I'm supposed to be yet. I'm still have love to give and I don't need pity because I know love. 

Love it is our true life force. When we forget that or fight the feeling we should be pitied. Asking and giving love doesn't not mean giving up and being vulnerable. It means you are becoming stronger. If something happens and it doesn't turn out the way you wanted doesn't mean you should harbor feelings of anger, resentment or sadness towards the possibility of more love. There is no such thing as love ever being too much when it is given the right way. I spent the day exactly where I was supposed to be, surround by light and love! I love how the universe works in ways that I don't have the answers but I do find the truths. I believe in the Magic!

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