Friday, July 29, 2011

Love Me

"All work is empty save when there is love."
Kahlil Gibran, Lebanese-American writer 

No fate is worse than a life without a love.
Mexican Proverb 

I'm in a mood again aren't I? I'm not sure why but here we are. I have had a very busy crazy day with the life that is my work of patients, paperwork and more paperwork. It has been really an insane week but I must say I had some really high spots too. I like the times when you can squeeze a bit of work into some really great conversations. I also know that I love what I do and how the love for my patients makes the world a lot easier for me. I can be very self-centered but I try not to be. I think I am most like that when I am down and feel like the world doesn't want me in it. Those are the days I like to hide in my office and just make it to the end of the day.

The last few days haven't been like that for me and I'm very thankful. I know how very far I've come but I also know I still have living forward to work on. Sometimes I'm really good at hiding behind my smile. Some days it is great. Some days that is a bad place to be. The best part are the people in my life who know me very well and make me feel like my smile matters to them. 

Tonight has been wonderful! My dear darling Hannah is home and Holly is here for the night. 3 Spoons with Hannah and great friends earlier. Who can't use a great visit even for an hour! We have had so much fun other then Hannah running the red light and freaking me out. I'm so going to miss these times. We watched some Potter and then I taught Hannah and Holly how to watch the laundry. That by the way requires them actually doing laundry. Oh what a life we lead. But then where else can you snuggle on the couch with your favorite girls and read some really funny "Damn You AutoCorrects"  What a great way to feel the love. 

I think maybe one of my greatest lessons in the last 15 months is to live in the moments. Today can be the end and you may not even know it will happen. I know I have a ways to go. I can't even get a massage without sobbing, the grocery store don't even get me started and well there's the whole bed issue. Those things aren't important. They may be hurdles but I've got so height in my life. I know love is really all that matters and loving my friends and family makes it all worth trying to live forward each day. I love you all which reminds me to love myself.  My love is where I'm supposed to be right now. Hannah is the most important person in my life. Anyone who loves me knows and respects that all my decisions are based with her in my life. I'm so happy she is home. Live today and somehow the future will unfold into more marvels of love and happiness. 

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