Sunday, July 17, 2011

Part of a Couple

Just what the doctor ordered! Margaritas, pool time and great friends! I had the best time last night and still felt like Scott was there just watching the fun. Isn't that where I need to be? Feeling love from above and feeling like I can live life to the fullest. I am happy to report that I am figuring more of how to live "AS" (after Scott). I not saying I always like it and I miss him no less then ever but I live!

I know it is possible to live this life and be okay. I know in our society it is hard to not be part of a couple but last night my family, couple friends were great. I didn't feel odd or left out. I did miss my half but I was okay too. Does that make sense? Hey I can live life and I don't have to be part of a couple. It is funny to admit that I don't need to be part couple to feel complete. I didn't even when I was the other half but it is fun to have someone who "gets me!" Last night we were talking and one of my girlfriends and I were laughing when she said, "I'll send him over anytime!" I laughed and said I didn't need to be on any episode of Sister Wives. We had so much fun and I loved feeling part of the group.

For so long now I have felt like I'm on the outside looking in. Not because of anything anyone has done but that has been where my emotions have been. It is hard to figure out how to keep living when you are used to be together with someone. Having that someone you can look at, smile and share thoughts. Don't get me wrong I do miss that but I can live life and enjoy myself. I have learned so much more about answering the challenge that is life without a partner. I will still have those moments of self-doubts but I am learning in each day. I will continue to be where I am supposed to be with my fantastic friends and family. I have support I just have to reach out and accept it. I'm where I'm supposed to be - aren't I?

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