Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Fear of the Battery

"As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."
       - Nelson Mandela

Fear of the future, fear of the hear and now, fear of the past. Each day is full of things to fear, the real and imagined. We can live each day but then something my give us a moment to fear. I have all kinds of fears but I tackle them all just to get out of bed. I have learned that my fear comes from not knowing. When I feel that I try to find a way to educate myself out of my fears. 

Isn't that what it takes to improve yourself in life? I don't want to be stuck in a place that is stagnant, sad and lonely. I don't want to be afraid of life that I am paralyzed in a ghost of a life. I don't want to be afraid of people and events around me that I can't move. I want to keep growing, learning and loving life. Then things happen and I have to deal with real life and real moments. Where is the utopia I have in my mind? I'm not sure but I keep trying. 

Little disappointments but then there are fun moments woven into my life. Tired exhausted and ready to call life a day I come home to the my one joy. The house is full of memories of love and laughter but more importantly new happy moments with Hannah. We have our ups and downs, tiffs and spats, tears and laughter. Tonight was no different. She was asleep when I came home later then usual with dinner. We ate and she headed out to finish the mowing she started three weeks ago. She had run out of gas and left the lawn mower in the back yard. When she did she left the key in the on position, which you guess it, drained the battery.

We had to search for the jumper cables. I knew I had thrown one set away because it had died of rust after being in the water with Scott. We looked and looked and wouldn't you know we found it just where Scott had moved it. Another Scott chore to do. We pushed the lawn mower from the back forty and figured out how to jump start the lawn mower. I have to admit we learned with a bit of instructional help from Mike. We conquered our fear of the power of the battery and achieved girl power in the process.  Every time I learn from a fear I know I have made progress in the life that I'm left with after facing my greatest fear of life. I hope I never have to face that fear again but somewhere in all of the last almost eighteen months I have learned to live forward one moment at a time.  

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