Monday, September 12, 2011

Unselfish Effort

The unselfish effort to bring cheer to others will be the beginning of a happier life for ourselves. 
- Helen Keller

I think this says a lot about who I am. Even in the hardest part of my life I still find it makes me feel better to be nice to others and do things that help someone else without others noticing. I smile when I think about how much I can walk towards light and happiness so easily. There are certain people I feel that bond with without words. Someone who makes you smile with their kindness to others. I have so many people like that in my life it makes the moments of days dealing with people who only care about themselves so much better. My day started out like that full of those people who are all about themselves. My work day didn't end that way. I love that smile I get watching someone help another. I love that smile I get helping someone myself. My life isn't about my own personal agenda. I try to do the right thing for as many people as I can. Those random acts of kindness matter when you don't think they do.

I have a smile in my heart. I know I make a difference everyday to at least one person. I don't need recognition. I don't need to be put into the spotlight for making a difference. I like it when I get to have that smile seeing someone else work. I have a very high regard for that person who makes me smile. I wish so many others could be in that moment of helping someone else. I like seeing a trait in someone else that made me respect Scott as we worked together. I know how much I loved him in our personal life but I do know how much respect I had for him in our work lives. It is possible to keep the two separate but like with anything else in life you have to be willing to take that leap. There are so many new people in my life that I have a deepening respect for their ability to give back to someone in need without asking for anything in return. It may be my job, I may get paid but I am willing to go above and beyond to make a difference. Take a moment and see what happens. You may be saving a life without even knowing it. 

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