Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Roll Up the Sleeves

"Hard work spotlights the character of people:  some turn up their sleeves, some turn up their noses, and some don't turn up at all."  ~Sam Ewing

Maybe it is possible at some point to be all three in life but I think there is one that sticks out the most for each of us in life. I have had a conversation with several people recently about entitlement and the mindset that accompanies that spot. I feel like I have turned up my sleeves and through in my whole heart and soul to get through my grief. I tend to approach most things like that. I don't think it is any one's responsibility for my emotional growth other then my own. I need the support but in the end it is like a job in itself. If I don't give it my all I will just be looking around wondering where life went.

If my life I have seen so many different types of people. How each of us approach our lives makes us who we are. I like where I am. I like who I am but there are people out there who make me doubt myself at times. I don't understand so many things but I know I will keep approaching my life and my responsibilities with all the tools in my basket. Yesterday someone told me I looked busy. I have to work to stay so very busy. I just roll up my sleeves and keep going. It keeps me looking forward and not to the past. I see what I am working toward. It is up to me to make it to where I am going. That dream, wish, fantasy will happen because I have the goal to reach for. My own little to do list is being completed in my own timeline at the right moments. 

Now because I rolled up my sleeves in the physical sense with great help from some fantastic friends I fighting my body but I can conquer. I will conquer. My mind isn't numb and painful today. It's just my arms and legs. When my body finally gives out I will make my life continue to work because I don't know any other way to go! I'm living forward with lots of prayer, determination and support. I don't know any way else to be! I'm not just sitting around waiting for someone to fix all my problems. 

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