Monday, September 19, 2011

Life is a Cliche

I must say there is never a dull moment in my life. I have so many medical issues but the ongoing is the lack of an immune system due to my MS. Apparently that means I get to have all kinds of other things. Today it is a diagnosis of Shingles. The good thing is I can keep going if I listen to my body like I always do. Now there are some other things going on too but no sense getting worked up. Just gotta have some more tests. I did finally find a new MD who will listen to me and work with me. He has already figured out that I'm an unusual duck and a challenge to his medical knowledge. Someday maybe all the right things will fall into place. It may be a cure or it may be the end of my life. Either way I will get my wish. I don't have the answers but I know I listen to my body and advocate for myself.

I'm glad my life moves at a fast pace because most of the time it keeps me from focusing on the bad in my life. Tonight I'm liking the busy because it keeps me from focusing on the pieces of me that are broken. That's still a lot of me but tonight is more physical then emotional. I dropped the teen girl at band and then headed to meet my bunco buddies for dinner. I can't believe it is time for bunco season to start again. Where has the summer gone? For that matter where has September gone? I have dates coming up again that make me focus on the here and now. I'm trying to keep living forward and not focus on the past. I want new things to happen.  I have Hannah and I love her dearly but my mind often wanders to "what happens after she goes to college?"

I'll get to find where I'm supposed to be. Right now it's good to be a bit crazy. It seems to be part of my personality, organized chaos. I must get to cope well with days that are full. I need to rest apparently. I will listen to my body. When I wear out during the day I will stop and go home. I don't have to do it all. I can't do it all but when I try it keeps me from crying. Although, who am I kidding, I still cry daily and I will just keep living forward. I don't have another choice. I am where I am supposed to be but I don't like it much. My immune system is telling me I have to deal with issues and hiding them isn't any good. One foot in front of the other, one day at a time and all the other cliches that go along with my life!

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