Sunday, September 18, 2011

Love's Everlasting Courage

To succeed... you need to find something to hold on to, something to motivate you, something to inspire you.
       –Tony Dorsett

Isn't that true about everything we try to do in life? I have a patient that is always giving up. She fights us everyday about the things we want her to do to get better. Sometimes I'm the same way. I fight myself trying to get better. Then I remember I need to keep going. I hold onto the Love that is my life. I look around at my life and know that Love is the defining moment for everything I do. I still remember fighting so hard against falling in love with Scott but it was bigger then I could stop. We had our ups and downs but through it all we loved. I know that love will always be there. "It's okay! I love you!" gets me through each day. It is what I hold onto. 

What motivates me? Why Hannah of course. How else would I be here without her? She keeps me going when I don't feel like taking another step. She has her own life but I know without me her life would be different. I don't want to even know what her life would be without me. I'm not so selfish to think I'm the only one who matters in this entire experience but I know that she still needs me in her life. I need her too! She is an amazing beautiful young woman. We may have our moments but she will always be the love of my life!

Inspiration! How do I find it to keep going? I don't know I guess that is where Courage becomes my inspiration. The courage of other's to face their lives without giving up. I'm just a face in the crowd. I don't do anything different then so many others. I'm not perfect. I make mistakes everyday. I have learned to have the courage to try again. I'm willing to try love again. Isn't that what is my inspiration - "Loves Everlasting Courage." It will take the courage to keep going for the rest of my days. I can't do that without the love that is in my life. I will keep reaching because courage is what gets me out of bed each day. Courage is what it takes to know I may just be a face in a crowd but my story matters to at least a few people. Courage of others to fight for our country, save lives, fight crime, battle fires and the list goes on; inspires me to know my life does matter and it is up to me to have my own courage to make at least a small difference for the good of others. "It's okay! I love you!" 

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