Thursday, September 22, 2011

Longstanding Kindnesses

Kindness is tenderness. Kindness is love, but perhaps greater than love...Kindness is good will. Kindness says, "I want you to be happy.
       - Randolph Ray

Have you ever had a day where you try really hard to not make your bad mood rub off on others? Rhonda tells me she can see me trying. My smile doesn't reach my eyes and I may be fuming inside but I hold it all together until I can get away from a situation. I try I just keep trying because that isn't who I am. I would be that Miss America contestant that wants world peace. I want everyone to play nice and help each other. It has been a few days where I want to strangle someone. I'm not like that but sometimes I just can't take much more. Then something happens and I get a day brightening moment.

I have a good friend that brightened my day today. I can't even describe our friendship because I don't get it either. It is just easier to go with it and it works for both of us.  I called for work and he asked how I was doing. I know it doesn't matter what I say we can talk outside of work. My answer to how's my day was, 'trying not to let my bad mood rub off on others." He told me "I can take it." I end up laughing and giggling like a teenager. Too bad the pool doesn't come with a cabana boy. I love those moments and I felt better. My bad mood was gone. I love my friends! I hope I have the same effect.  Why do I know the importance of a the connections with a friend like that? Shared jokes, laughter and smiles makes kindness matter. Take the time to give a moment. We need each other and sometimes we don't see until it is too late.

Kindness can come in so many forms. A smile, a hug, a shared laugh. Those little moments make each day better for someone. I try to share the kindnesses given to me. Tonight I was at the Homecoming Pep Rally and I was surrounded by more love and kindness of new friends, old friends and Mike. It is fun to share the moments of our children's lives. I'm so thankful that Mike and I can share the kindness and love for Hannah. I watched the kids with a great joy in my heart. They are the future and what I do for Hannah matters. The moments of the years with Scott always remind me each day that I am still here for a reason. I have a purpose and the interactions I have with others mean we are all supposed to be connected. I know without a doubt souls are connected and it is up to  each of us to take advantage of the relationships we are given. To learn to love and share without fear. To make someone else's day with kindness. 

My day was touched with kindness by so many others. I want to thank each of you for the kindness you have shown to me today. I hope I was able to take your kindness and pass it on to make someone else's day. Thank you for all that you have done for me today. The kind words, the hugs, the laughter and friendship from you all make a difference in how I get through each day. I am where I am supposed to be and you are in my life for a reason. I hope that time is long and lasting! I know my prayers are answered each day through the kindness and love of my friends!

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