Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Setting Sail

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover."
       -Mark Twain

Jump! Take the leap and know you have done the things that matter. If it isn't where you were supposed to be then at least you tried! I always think of the brass ring on the carousel! I think I'm really trying to set sail. I still have things I need to keep reaching for but I'm trying. Today was a smile day for me and I'm reaching out to keep that happening. I like this alive feeling I get from the people who make me smile. I'm not so afraid anymore. The panic is so much less. The thought of reaching out to someone new doesn't make me physically ill anymore. 

There are moments that we all have to make a decision to go for it or hang on to regrets for the rest of our lives. Scott will never be a regret for me. I love that we took the strong bold move to be together. It was the right place for us at the right time in our lives. He taught me how important love and the brass ring will always be worth it when you reach out. I have learned how to be an important part of my own life. As I sit here watching Big Brother I know I don't want to be a floater in my life. I want to win. I want to know that I matter to others in my life. I can do it. I can set my sails for my new destination. 

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