Thursday, September 29, 2011

Power to Wish

You are never given a wish without also being given the power to make it true. You may have to work for it, however.
       - Richard Bach

Yes I can make my wishes come true! I believe in the magic and the power of dreams. It may be the best way to keep my goals in front of me. I know I'm going to make it. I know how far I've come but it is so hard sometimes to see the future. The battles just keep happening. I'm worn out but I know I am the only one who can do some of these battles. There are days when I hate my life, well I should be clearer and say I hate events in my life. My life is otherwise good. Not always good but great moments make it possible to keep going.

I'm fighting battles that I know I don't have to do on my own. I am choosing to make changes in my life because I have to stay around for Hannah. If stress and no immune system lower my chances for being here for the big events of my daughter's life then no amount of money earned and battles fought with petty people matter. I like the moments where I listen to my heart and travel the path that makes a difference to a life other then mine. 

Tomorrow will be a new journey. I have to make it know I can but I'm scared to do this alone. I know Scott is with me but having that hand to hold mine and the kiss that it's okay! I love you! goes so much further. I'm scared but I'm trying not to worry. How can it not all be okay when I keep hearing, My Heart I'm here. I don't need to worry or panic. I can do this on my own. I don't have a choice. My wishes can come true but I have to be here for all of them to happen! Just say prayers for me! I need my Angels called out in full force. I need to know I can make it further into my steps living forward. I wish, I may, I wish I might, have the wish I wish tonight!  Bring on the fireworks, oh wait that's in three weeks. 

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