Sunday, June 12, 2011


Well I tried it again out of necessity and that was another horrible experience. Yes I tried to go to our grocery store because I needed some things that only they carry. Who would think that my favorite yogurt would only be there. I tried another from Wal-mart but that didn't work. Let's just say if it weren't for Rhonda texting me the 15 minutes and $89 later I think I would be on the floor of the store hyperventilating! I don't understand why this is so hard for me. I have made it through so many things but still the grocery store is a panic attack unless someone is with me. I've paid big bucks to understand that one and apparently it isn't time for me to conquer the grocery store.

Let's just say what I came out of the store with was rather humorous so I'll stick to that side of the story. Scott's Mom called me at 9am today telling me she needed poise pads and diet 7 Up. Let me just say if I drank as much diet 7 Up as she does I'd need the poise pads too. I did manage to get those things. But let's see if I can make a sensible meal out of the rest of it. Sliced Cheddar cheese, strawberries, guacamole, egg salad, German chocolate cupcake, spinach and spring mix lettuce, milk, Pepsi, dehydrated apples and coconut M&M's. This should be an interesting week of meals but I guess I won't go hungry!

I don't know what else to do except keep trying. Everything else I've done has been okay once I took control and told myself it was all good. The grocery store just doesn't work that way for me. I keep trying. I guess that is the most important part of this entire living forward thing, I just keep trying. I will make it or I end up moving somewhere else that I can go to the grocery store! Seems extreme at this point because moving would be more of a panic attack then making myself drive to the grocery store. At least I can find the humor in today's attempt. Now if I can figure out what to eat from the list above it will be all good!

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