Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Personal Goals

"All goes onward and outward, nothing collapses, And to die is different from what any one supposes, and luckier." - Walt Whitman

Isn't it funny where you remember learning things! I remember learning Walt Whitman in sophomore college prep English class. I remember who sat behind me all year and the teacher. I remember the classroom, desks, and other things we read! I have those memories of great years in a place that is gone. I have met people even around here whose homes from their childhood are gone because they made a lake! In my job you meet so many people that have gone through life watching everything disappear around them. I remember talking to grams when she would say, "It sucks to get so old that everyone you know is dead or can't remember squat!" I keep thinking about how much I miss her and Scott. They both just had a way with words that were pure down home but made perfect sense.

I have just kind of slow mind tonight. I made it home safe and sound but I have lots to process. I have a list to make to be even more organized in my life. I learned today that I have to have my goals written down, not only for work (I do that all the time) but for my personal life. I think I'm afraid to write down what I want! I know exactly what/who/where I want. Now how to get there = one day at a time with great patience!

Rascal Flatts is singing "I won't let go." This song means more for me then any single word I could use from a dictionary of millions of words. There is someone standing by me at all times because I keep asking for the Light and Love. Last night during a rough moment at midnight my dear friend Betsy always knows when to reach out until I can stand on my own two legs again. I only hope I can pass on the favor or pay it forward as I continue on my journey each day. I want to matter, I want to make a difference but I also can't do it all alone. So I guess I'd better find my sticky notes and write down my personal goals! Maybe just maybe I'll get there!

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