Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Sleeping Beauty

When the body fails it is time to rest! I push and push until I can do nothing else because my body finds a way to take a break even before I'm ready to give it one. Why couldn't I have just waited until next week. I promise you darn body I will relax for 12 days. I have even set up a special birthday treat just for you - a massage! See my body doesn't listen to me. It has rules of it's own.

Scott and I used to have this discussion all the time. We both would just keep going. You would think I would have learned my lesson. Isn't that what happened, Scott wouldn't listen and there was nothing I could do to stop him. Now I do it to myself. I'm not sure why. It won't make anything get done any faster. When I finish one job it will just be filled with another.  I keep lecturing myself about overdoing it yet sometimes I don't take my own advice. There is definitely more to life then work and a day of rest shouldn't mean feeling like you have been hit in the skull with a baseball bat. I hear you I'm taking it easy. At least I'm to a point where I was able to get out of bed. Now I can only move around for five minutes before I'm worn out so I'm taking it easy.

So I think it is time to try to sleep once again. I must really be living up to my namesake today - Sleeping Beauty. I prefer to be BriarRose, the one who lives a modest life in the woods with her three fairies with not a care in the world. Ah well all the better. Life really isn't a fairytale no matter how hard I try. Sleep well my dear friends and loved ones!

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