Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Money or Love

A question posed to me today:

If you were offered twenty million dollars would you spend five years in jail with the label felon but keep the money? If not what amount of money would you take - a hundred million, a billion? My answer to each of those questions was no. I had no hesitation to answer no. Money may make things happen for you but it doesn't buy respect or love. I want above all else in this world LOVE. The love of my daughter being the most important. I also know that love doesn't end with just my beautiful daughter. I know that love and being loved beyond Hannah are just as important.

I know that Hannah has watched me struggle daily but cope with a strength that I didn't know I possessed. Our relationship has developed into a bond that can never be lost. We talked the other day about how we have grown closer beyond the usual trouble of teens. I have been blessed with a teen who has also had to grow faster then she should have. I love how close we are and I know Scott is proud of the love I share with Hannah but I know we would have gotten there eventually. I miss him terribly but I know because I chose love it will come back to me. There is no amount of money that could replace love as the greatest gift. There is no price that can be paid to earn that gift.

I have learned through the years that when love happens you had better grab the moments you can because you have been given a true gift from God. Scott and I used to say that we had been blessed when we were given the gift of loving each other. I know that I wouldn't trade any of the moments we shared because I learned what it truly means to be loved. That love has given me the strength to live forward into each day. I'm not sure what the future brings but I hope that God will grace me with love again. I hope that Hannah continues to grow into a beautiful young woman with the knowledge that she is loved beyond a shadow of a doubt. That money will not provide happiness. Being loved and giving love freely are the gifts that we have been promised by God. Take the time to share love it makes the world a more beautiful place.

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