Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Band is Marching Along

Maybe I'm so incredibly crazy or I have the best place for me to be. I have something to keep me going and I really enjoy being around Hannah. The work is hard but the kids are rewarding. I know it keeps me focused on the here and now and not the future. I like having a purpose and a place that I belong.

I'm exhausted, my feet and legs are killing me and I can barely keep my eyes open but it's all good right!  Maybe if I wear myself completely out I will be able to sleep without meds and dreams. I used to love my dreams and sometimes I still do. But sometimes I'm just so afraid to even try. I'm not sure I sleep so well. Just ask  my sheets. I keep tossing and turning so much I pull them off the bed each night. Ahh what I would do to have a relaxing moment of rest and true sleep.

My feet and I are headed to a nice long bath. Now if I can keep myself from staying up all night reading the next book in my series maybe I can fall into a deep sleep. Not the times I sleep just as I should be waking up. That is never fun. What I wouldn't do to be able to stay home and wake up my own body time for a few days. Remind me the next time I go on vacation I need to go alone. Yes we all know that won't happen. If I even tried to go anywhere alone I would suddenly find myself with travel buddies. I know that is a good thing because everyone loves me. I know I've proven to each of you that I can be trusted alone at home but I someday would like to try to find a place with peace and solitude. I know those that love me most are laughing because I've never been on a nice quiet peaceful vacation ever. I still dream of our honeymoon in Fiji. I will get there and it will be a good thing. It might now be all it was supposed to be with Scott but I have gotten really good at life not meeting my expectations.

I'm ready for a new life experience. I'm ready to keep my inner band geek marching forward. I will never be coordinated enough to do more then that but I think you are all good with me working forward! Now where did I put those band aids. I believe I have a blister from standing and walking so much over the last four days. I love being a Band Backer Mom! Anyone else want to join me?

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