Friday, August 5, 2011

Idle Hands

My life is my message. 
       - Mahatma Ghandi

I guess my message keeps going. Now I would hope that it will keep going even after my body has given up the ghost. I'm not sure how long my body is going to keep hanging around but I keep trying.  So for today I keep living my message and hope that it means something to someone else. I'm not so sure most days. Even on the days Hannah gets all pouty and upset with me. I often wonder what I'm still hanging around for. I just keep trying I guess because when she's not around it just seems fruitless and like a bunch of busy work.

Okay back to what I'm working on to have busy work to do and not sit and overanalyze my life. I'm really great at that task!!! Just keep busy. Just keep busy! Come on Ella we've got letters to cut out! Idle hands and all that! Take a deep breath and quit thinking!!!

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