Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Does Love Matter?

I'm so done with loving and opening my heart to that feeling to have it ripped out of my chest. I just feel flat and dead too. That is not me, I'm so open loving and and like to be that person but just really could care less after this evening.  I was almost home. I skipped the main road through our small town and went the back way to the house. Much faster during our 14 minutes of rush hour. I'm so glad I did. As I was turning onto the back road I got a call from Hannah telling me that she can't get to the kitten, Ella, in the laundry room. She was crying hard something's wrong.

I knew instantly she was right but I was still about five minutes away. I couldn't get to her fast enough. She called back and had to leave a message because my phone went straight to voicemail. When I listened to her message my heart died again. Listening to her horrible cries of anguish finding our sweet new kitten dead. I should have been here with her but I got there as fast as I could. I finally got her on the phone. I can see the stoplights and turning right into our neighborhood. I had her hang up and call her dad. I didn't have the words to comfort her. My pain had shut my emotions off and my own abilities to cope off. I kept saying things in my head that I am so tired of thinking. I made it to Hannah and went into problem solver mode. I called the Humane Society and asked them what to do. They took all the info - we can get a new kitty if we so decide but I don't know if I can ever do that. I gently picked up my sweet baby and wrapped her in towels. Hannah was able to gently hold her as we made our way to the Humane Society. I didn't want to leave her there but what else was I to do?

I can tell you that Ella started sneezing a few days ago. Last night she was mouth breathing a bit but not bad. Today I called and made her an appointment for tomorrow. I described the symptoms and it just sounded like a kitty cold. It was apparently more then that but I don't know what to do anymore. I just have to say I feel all kinds of crap. I feel like I'm big fat ugly and don't ever get to love again. That isn't who I am. That isn't who I've become in this journey living forward. So I came home and looked for something to amuse myself with for a little bit. I did it but my heart still feels large and dumpy. I want to stop. I don't know what to do. I tried. I was taking a huge step forward with Ella. Now I'm afraid if I ever find a relationship I'm just the person who is the kiss of death. I'm afraid of me!

I'm keep trying to live forward. I just need to find a break so I guess I will go to the bathtub and read. I will move back to my comfort zone. I will go find my prayers. I'm just tired of having my spirit and faith rattled. I know I have so many people who love me. I just need someone to wrap me up in their arms and hold me while I cry. I need to feel that support and I'm sorry my friends I know you all do your best and I love you all for it but I haven't felt what I need since Scott died. I'm so afraid to live. Dear God, please surround me with your light and love, guide me protect me and show me the way. I don't know what I'm doing. I'm on autopilot again. Really do I have to do this again?

1 comment:

  1. Kristen,
    I wish I could wrap my arms around you and make you feel the easy you want to feel. Things happen to us, and we start to make incorrect agreements about our lives. We lose people either through death or that persons choice and we think we can never love our be loved again. If you think about out, you know it is wrong. It doesn't change the feeling.

    I know you have amazing friends who love you very deeply. I know you have a daughter who adores you. I know there is a God who loves you more than you can imagine. I know you have friends that follow you and their heart breaks with every setback, and cheers at your every victory.

    Break those wrong agreements Kristen. Don't let your mind or your enemy take you over. You are loved and you can be loved.

    Sending you a big hug (sorry it's not much but it's my best).
