Wednesday, August 31, 2011

The Cat's Meow

"Your dearest wish will come true." my fortune cookie

You see I've been thinking about that bunches today. I have so much to be thankful for and a past that can't be compared to the future but I have a wish that I'm ready to experience. This fortune was meant for me to open. Hannah and I went out for our favorite Chinese. We ordered and got our drinks. I picked up our fortune cookies but there was this one little cookie that kept jumping out of my hands. It was so determined to be mine it jumped four times. I was laughing at this poor little broken cookie by the time I got to the table. It was so bad I opened it and what do you know it really was meant to be my fortune. I felt like someone kept knocking it out of my hand but there wasn't anyone near me. 

I like wishes, fairytales and dreams. I put the CD from yesterday and it played through then it moved onto the CD that has been in there for a long time. A CD from a trip to WDW that Scott bought for me. It was one of those things we would sing to, while laughing and giggling. I know it's there but I've just ignored it. Today the CD player decided I needed to hear it. Another little hurdle that I didn't know I needed. I was smiling listening to the songs. I could feel Scott smiling with me. My friends and I have Disney characters that we think are representative of us. Scott, the girls and myself would play a game trying to figure out what characters suit who we are. I think you know the in depth results for Scott and myself. Today I was playing this game with myself. Characters would pop up in the music and there were a few that I just knew belonged to people in my life. If your lucky you might be a part of my mental game. I had a big smile thinking about several people I know and love.

The other morning I woke up with the craziest dream that involved lots of people I know, a private box at Cowboys stadium, a football game, a hug and a kiss. Hmmm! Sounds good to me! I like that I have been having more fun dreams and less terror about Scott. I wonder if there was a wish tucked into that dream. Most likely but I seem to have patience to conquer this brick wall, to change my need for things to happen instantly. I'm learning how to live in the moments of life. 

Today I had a really interesting conversation about the beginnings of the terms "bee's knees," "cool beans" and possibly even the "cat's meow!" Yes I know my days are never boring and are filled with fun and highlights and interspersed with serious moments with a dear friend. I hope I am able to give my friends back in the moments when they need me half as much as they gave me. I know at least one person who needed comfort today even if it was just to hear I understand. So maybe someday my wish will be fulfilled but in the meantime I can say my day was the "bee's knees" or even better "the cat's meow!" I love days like this. I'm maybe a bit dazed and confused still but i like the silly and zany too!

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