Saturday, August 20, 2011

Pampering Time

Yesterday was one of those days that I just plastered on a smile and kept going. It wasn't a day to ask what next because I just knew there was going to be a next after each thing that happened. I was so exhausted by the end of the day, I came home said goodbye to Hannah for the weekend and went to bed. It was only 6pm. I didn't get up until 11am this morning and I think that was because the cats were knocking at my bedroom door. 

I was going to hide from the world but apparently the world has other plans for me today. Lisa, my friend that we always know what the other is thinking even when we haven't seen each other in three months, texted and we are doing the pedi thing. Seems like a great time to use my birthday present from my staff. So I guess I'm not hiding in the house away from the world. Why does it seem like the place I want to be isn't the place I'm supposed to be?  

Now I'm off to live. I guess I rested my body enough to keep going. I have things I certainly need to do around the house. It looks like a teenager and two cats have been living here alone. Oh wait there has been during the day. Luckily she has done most of the laundry so I can put mine up. So enough chatter because I'm supposed to be living today instead of hiding. It would be nice to play in my scrapbook room. I can't believe I'm too that point. I should be though, Scott would be very upset that I haven't worked in there much since he died. It has become a dumping ground for things I don't want to deal with. I think it is time to do more then just pull stuff out and work on bits and pieces. I  have a lives to document, Scott, Hannah, Laynie, Mom, Bob, KJ, Lynne, Susan, Betsy, etc. I better get going that means thousands of photos to work through. 

I'm off to pamper myself and catch up with Lisa. I do have a good life except a few pieces are out of line. Time will fix that I just have to keep the faith and prayer. I matter to others even when I'm upset with myself. Have a great Saturday. Take time to tell someone you love them! It matters in the end love is all that matters.

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