Saturday, August 6, 2011


"There is no exercise better for the heart than reaching down and lifting people up."
       - John Andrew Holmes Jr., American writer and minister

I love the moments where I can take my talents and skills and give back. I spent many years in my teen years and thousands of  hours giving back through volunteering. St. John's Hospital in Joplin was the place where I learned what my goals in life were to be. Where I learned that giving time and energy to others without asking for anything in return is a huge gift to others.  That is why I take my time to help in other areas. That is why I volunteer to help out with the Band Backers and support my daughter and the other kids as they learn to be leaders of our futures. 

Those skills are taught from generation to generation. My efforts matter to lifting up our kids into a stronger tomorrow. My reward is the smiles and laughter at the end of a long day. A day filled with tiring tasks and lots of organization will make the next weeks all that much better. My reward is the joy and love I feel in my heart watching the magic of the music that flows through the kids. I know that at the end of day when my body is finished  my heart is full. I know the magic of life is all about giving back even when I'm not at my best. It makes the day so much better. Another way to keep living forward.  If you are at a low moment take the time to give back it will bring you out and fill your heart with love and life.

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