Thursday, August 4, 2011


"Count it all joy, my brethren, when you meet various trials, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing."
       - James 1:24 

Today the heat was my enemy and I listened to my body and rested. I know when it is right to stop and when I can push. Today if I pushed myself further it would have been worse for me in the long run. I missed out on something fun but I hope the offer gets a raincheck. I was doing some work things today when one of the phone calls came through. I was explaining the MS and how I just work around it but the heat is crazy. The guy I was talking to was in Ohio visiting and said I needed to summer in the North. His dad has medical issues so he got it. After almost 12 years I know the good and the bad. I know what it takes for me to be steadfast in my life.

I continue to focus on living and life. I like the moments of laughter and conversations that I don't like to end. I want to keep having a life. I continue to count all my joy even in my trials. I have received many ongoing tests of my faith but I have hope for the future because of my faith. I am thankful for the small moments of silly conversations, my beautiful daughter who knows only me with an illness. Who knows just what to do to help me through my bad days. I have so many blessings because of my faith. I matter to so many people and in my moments of trials I find the strength in the love that surrounds me.

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