Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Magical Cookie

I miss the days when all the world's problems could be solved with a cookie. It does, however, take the edge off and make the day a bit brighter. Especially when you get to be the first to pick the choice cookie! Apparently I can be bought with sugar sometimes. Do you realize how much emotion can be in a cookie! Today, I conquered a moment and the person who brought the cookies doesn't even know the power of those cookies.

The bakery recently located a branch here. Scott watched with anxious joy and would purposefully go out of his way to see if it was open yet. He made me go so often after it opened that I finally said "how much more weight would you like me to gain?" He then went on his own, would bring the cookies home and then NOT eat them!!! Our very first Valentine's together we went on a road trip to Louisiana. It led us on a purposeful stop for these special, Collins Street Bakery Cookies. He was one track mind when it came to this stop and a certain kind of cookie. Yes I was impressed he bribed me with a cookie or maybe two dozen! Who knew cookies could also be a romantic gesture. I'm glad Scott did.

This bakery has been a place I have avoided for the last year. I can't drive by it without crying. I look the other way and pretend like it doesn't exist! Today I did it! I said yes to the cookie offered to me! I hope you all understand the magic and joy that one cookie brought to me! I conquered once again. I know Scott has continued to give me gifts, guides me and protects me. This universe works in so many ways. The people who we have in our lives are here for reasons we don't understand. Things happen that we don't understand. An innocent gift of a cookie for an inservice that didn't happen, was for a reason.

That was the best cookie I've had in a year! Tomorrow I have to choose to go to the bakery on my own because some of my staff were jilted out of a cookie when our crazy, traveling therapist decided to touch them all! So you see I am living proof that messages happen and I am being pushed to live forward. Thank you for that cookie. Once again God listens to my prayers to be surrounded by his light and love, guided and protected and shows me the way! One more step forward and maybe one day I can have a tear free day. Not today but someday.

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