Wednesday, February 16, 2011


I give up! Yup that's what I felt like today. I feel like Eeyore. One of my friends said, "some days are just not worth chewing through the restraints." Yup why do people put conditions on relationships in their lives? It drives me nuts when someone says one thing and does something else. Ahh, breathe in, breathe out. Where's that darn yoga tape. I just wish people would match their actions and words but well I just give up hoping that maybe someday that might happen. I don't have to live with someone else's restraints. My life is mine. If I have learned anything in my journey is how powerful the love in my heart is and loving myself matters! I am trying not to let others drive me crazy and just live in the moments of each day.

I don't want my future all planned out. I know what I would like to have but right now one step at a time. This marathon of life just doesn't happen in 26.2 miles because if it did I think I'd be with Scott. I think I've lived a daily emotional race and crossed the finish line so many times that Goofy medal should be mine just for courage. I can make it I really don't give up! I just have to make adjustments and focus on myself and what I need in my life. I want to smile, laugh and love.

I will make someone else feel important. I will make a difference in a life today. I will smile and reach out to someone in need. Today I made a difference and I recognize that my professional life is about that but it doesn't define who I am. There is so much more that I want in my life beyond my job. I know it is possible to have it all and feel important because your life matters to someone else too. So just get off the fence in your life and be there for someone! A smile and hug can make someone's day go beyond whatever is troubling to them! If you are reading this you matter to me and I want to make a difference in your life. You matter to me and the restraints you try to make are just made of twizzlers.

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