Saturday, February 26, 2011

Ordinary Life

"Every once in a while, right in the middle of an ordinary life, love gives you a fairytale."

I bought this wall art today while out spending a girls day with my friend Lisa and Hannah. I stood there and started crying. I looked at Lisa and said, "does this mean I got my fairytale?" Lisa said, "Who knows that could have just been a warm up." I want to believe that but I'm also okay if that was my fairytale because the love is more then some people ever find in a lifetime!

I also realized today that I'm not a bling kind of girl. Lisa and Hannah were trying on different very bold pieces of jewelry. It all looked so cute on them but it was funny because it made me feel outside my comfort zone. Why do I have such a hard time leaving that bubble. When you are in a couple there is always one of the two who will lead. Scott and I took turns being in the lead. I think so often now it is just so much easier to hide at home. I'm glad today we spent time doing and being part of a life outside of my little comfort zone.

It was time for toes again. I love that Lisa and I have started this tradition of pedis. I can't think of a better way to start of sandal season then always my bright red toes. They match my inner wild child and well just a little tribute to Scott. I think someday he'd be good knowing that another man in my life may enjoy that sassy side of me. It's crazy that I won't wear big bling but bright red toes are all good! I really am my own creation. Yes I hope that I'm the only mold of me too! It is so much fun to learn what makes each of us different and yet the same.

So here I go taking steps forward again. I will stretch my comfort zone and keep exploring life. I don't want to grow bored and tired. I still have much to give to so many others in my life and maybe I can add a touch of bling to my life and push a bit more to joy. I hope others continue to pray for me just as I pray for myself. Hugs, hearts, open arms with a bunch of love thrown in make my life all that more worth living forward.

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