Sunday, February 20, 2011

Trust and Truth

"Trust and the truth will show itself."

I watched a movie on the Hallmark channel this afternoon where this was said. I trust in so many things and so many people but most of all I trust in God to guide me, protect me and show me the way! Life has sent me on a crazy convoluted path but I trust in myself most of all to find the way for me. There are times in our life when we fight what we know is true even if it hurts because we don't trust the real path. Sometimes it is easier to wave the white flag but at other times you must fight with all your heart to do what you know is right for you.

I know the path I have traveled is not easy but it has made me who I am. I could easily give up at so many points or have chosen a path that was uncomfortable and been someone else. Scott loves me and we were supposed to be together. We were in our lives for a reason. We crammed so many things into that time and it was for great things. I have so many new friends in my life who are here for a reasons that I don't know yet. I will wait patiently to understand the reasons and trust in my heart to know I continue on the right path in my life.

I am where I am supposed to be at this moment in time and there is nothing I can do to make it go faster or change quickly. I trust my heart to listen to my messages from God and Scott to continue my travels. I just have to trust that patience is valuable even when I have the solution and just want to be done with the problem. How many times have you heard "Rome wasn't built in a day!" ? My life may not be an empire but the love in my heart is a gift to share while I learn to live forward.

Trust yourself, take time to breathe and enjoy what you already have. You may just missing that special person or moment that gives you a life changing moment. Don't set limits be open to all possibilities. Be ready to embrace something or someone new in your heart and life.

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