Sunday, February 27, 2011

Open Arms, Baby!

What isn't there to love about DVR. I'm not sure why I ever waited for so long except I'm a cheapskate. Today is a dreary, windy, looks like rain kind of day. Hannah and I have snuggled up on each of our couches and we are catching up on the DVR. We both have this thing about letting too many programs build up and if I'm not careful she gets delete happy before I get to watch them.

Grey's Anatomy is one of our favorites. I watched it the other day but saved it so she could catch up on it. There are several quotes in Thursday show that really hit home once again for me. That seems to be almost always the case in my life. If you pay attention to life around you meanings happen to make you stop and go Hmmmm!

As it is for all dramas that involve relationships, oh wait that is really life, one of the MD's said to the other "if there is really only one soul mate for each of us in life then the systems is really messed up!" I have to agree. The end of the show ended with the Chief MD asking McDreamy to look at his wife because she may have Alzheimer's. The voice over of Grey comes on with "in life you take your vitamins, you try to stay healthy, you have love but when you get older and your love dies you only have vitamins left." Actually I'm paraphrasing but that is close. Yes I feel like all I have right now is vitamins. Yes so you see I talk to the TV. Hannah just looks at me strange!

Maybe I should get off the couch today and do the chores around the house. It's really a good thing the laundry can be done and I can catch up on my reading or wait I think I may get back to the DVR and then I have my Netflix movies! I have such a full vital life. You all know it's not true that I really don't just sit around doing nothing. Next weekend is a WICKED springbreak weekend! Those second row seats are burning a hole in my pocket. Hannah and Holly are ready to go. I had to have something to get through the week because it is a week that will be tough. I'm trying to be prepared! Maybe I'll need cookies again since Disney World won't be an option this year.

It really is amazing how the human brain works and the words or events that trigger memories, thoughts and behaviors. I have worked through this in so many different ways over the last year. I will keep living forward and as my friend Lynne says to me, "With your arms thrown wide open Baby!" I guess I'm supposed to capture more life!

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