Thursday, April 21, 2011

Angel Day

I'm very sure today has been an Angel Day. I'm not sure why but I guess I must have needed it because there was a lot of negative energy floating around and I kept being surrounded by light and love. My day started off just like any other day - it required me leaving the comfort of my bed! I dread bed at night and can't get out of it in the morning. I'm sure my mother would tell you it is not any different then when I was a kid. I know it's different because I dread for different reasons. Back then I was afraid I was going to miss something now I KNOW I am missing something!

I got dressed and got in the car! I guess it is a good thing I didn't get dressed in the car! The radio started right away with it's thing. I didn't have it on my ipod just the radio and there he was. One right after the other. I must have needed the support. My life will forever have a soundtrack! You hang out with me long enough you experience it for yourself. Most of the time I enjoy, sometimes it drives me crazy. This afternoon one of our little sweet patients was tooling to her room in her power wheelchair passed my office.  She drives really slow and suddenly stops. She starts singing "God Bless America!" very quietly at first and then full force. Rhonda and I stop and listen and I for no reason burst into tears. As she finishes I stand up and walk into the hallway. She sees me and gets this huge grin on her face. I tell her what a wonderful song that was. She reaches out for my hand and pulls me into a hug. She then tells me she just felt like we needed that. She then looks up at me and says "We need a hug and a kiss!" as she is looking to my left. There isn't anyone standing there but I hug her and kiss her cheek. She tells me "we think you are the most beautiful girl in Waco!"

I guess I needed the light and love. I pray for it daily and there it was. My heart was filled with joy. I do love what I do and it gives me great peace and joy to know I have been given a gift to make other's lives brighter! When I reach out to touch someone else I am rewarded a thousand times over. I know that if I just stop to listen or reach out with a gentle touch or hug I have made someone know they matter to someone else. Life isn't about how much you have but how much you give of yourself.

I am once again sitting in my world of time out. My place of peace. I puttered in the yard and cleaned the pool and just as the sun began to set my cardinal stopped by for a visit. I almost had his image captured but he was sneaky and fluttered off. Everyday since Saturday I have seen a Cardinal. When I went to the cemetery I saw one near it, I saw one on my way home from work and tonight I saw my Cardinal land in the little tree that Scott planted for me two years ago. It was my fault he flew off because I wanted that picture.

I just know that my life matters not just to those living around me but to those who surround me from beyond. I have a purpose and I will find my way. I will not waste it on anger and frustration. I will continue to ask for peace. That always makes me chuckle because I think of a beauty pageant. I have found the will to live forward onto a different path. I will take the love from my Angels and share with those around me. My heart has an endless well of love to give in all different shapes, sizes and types. I know I have been given a chance to accept the differences inside of me. I am slowly able to describe them but some of those changes I am not yet ready to reveal. I will be where I am supposed to be when I am supposed to be there because I have help all around me!

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