Monday, April 25, 2011

Guilty Pleasures

Guilty Pleasures! The theme for tonight's Dancing with the Stars. It is amazing to me how much music touches all of our lives. You can be a celebrity or just one of the common man. It makes me think about how much music is a part of my life now. I have this soundtrack that plays all the time. Music in all kinds of genres find it's way into each day in all kinds of places. I think that is one of my guilty pleasures. I treasure thinking that I will forever be surrounded by music.

Now as I sit here watching DWTS I think about other guilty pleasures in my life that are from Scott. German Chocolate Cake which I had a piece of tonight! Some of those things I miss so very much. The little moments of life and guilty pleasures. I guess it is time to find new guilty pleasure or you know what is even better to focus on my own guilty pleasures. Driving around singing at the top of my lungs, you don't want to hear it but it gives me joy. I have other things I enjoy; reading my romance novels on my Kindle, sitting in my place on the patio. These are things I truly enjoy and some of them are from before Scott and some of them are after Scott.

I like that I am finding myself again. That I can have a life free of guilt from being alive when he is gone but filled with things I like to do. I want to keep living. I want to keep experiencing my life's guilty pleasures and maybe find some new ones! I like things and people in my life who make me smile and laugh. I am a new person in the same body. I like learning about myself each day. Is it okay to say that finding this new person inside of me is one of my guilty pleasures? I feel like I have been infused with the self-confidence Scott was always pushing me towards. Now just don't expect me to be all wild though, that might just be a bit over the top with guilty pleasures!

Bring on the Ferro-roche! That is my ultimate guilty pleasure and one that Scott supplied me for last Easter with two giant bunnies full of candy. I still don't want to eat the candy but I know he would be so very disappointed that I was so sad I let it spoil. Maybe tonight I will read my book in the tub full of bubbles eating a truffle! Now that sounds like a fitting ultimate guilty pleasure to my future. I can do this one day at a time because I am only promised today.

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