Tuesday, April 26, 2011


I went to bed at 7:30 tonight only to be aroused at 8:30 by Hannah telling me the tornado sirens were going off in the neighboring community. We can't hear ours in our house even if they were going off so we took shelter in the bathroom just in case. Times like these really make prayer even more welcome but then I feel the peace surround me as Scott surrounds us. He was my hero! When it stormed even the tiniest bit of lightening I was freaking out. He would get all the blankets etc and send us to the bathroom on nights like this where the weather just didn't know what to do!

We have sat through many a storm in the bathroom but he would hover. He wouldn't stay with us - like he could conquer a giant funnel of wind and force of nature! You know what he can now!!!! He will always be there protecting and somehow I have a feeling that will never stop. I don't know what my future holds but I know he can hear me and will do whatever he can to keep protecting us.

Hannah and I are hanging out laughing, talking and watching the cat go all crazy nuts with the storm. Great bonding time but I'd much rather have a good night's rest tonight. When we went into the bathroom I grabbed the picture of Scott and I, my laptop so I could watch the storm on the net and all the pillows and blankets from the bedrooms (that tub gets hard!) It is amazing to me the power of technology and not feeling so alone tonight. Texting and facebook keeps you connected and alleviates some of the fears.

It was funny to be able to post pics of the crazy cat confined with us in such a small space. She kept moving so when it calmed down she relaxed and rested. I have so many people that care about us. I know I'm not alone when I get texts and worried FB posts from so many people. As a matter of fact I just got another text. I know there is power beyond what we can see. There has to be just a thin veil from one world to the next but we haven't reached the point in our soul development where we can see it all. We feel the light and love and if you are quiet enough you can hear it too.

I guess once again it isn't my time but I can keep living and finding my peace in what is the life I have been given. I do know that my journey in life matters! Now I think I need to have a discussion with God and Scott about these storms. I understand nature and all of that but can they see if they can lesson the storms and just send a peaceful calming rain! We need rain not Tornadoes!!

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