Thursday, April 28, 2011

Believing in More

"When you believe a thing, believe it all the way, implicitly and unquestionably." - Walt Disney

I quote lifted this from a friend tonight. It immediately spoke to me and I just knew I had to use it tonight. I believe so many things that I don't waiver very far from these days. I believe in the power of love and prayer to heal broken hearts and lift you up into a life you didn't know was possible. I still have to believe that there is more for me in my life. I'm in a very thoughtful strange crazy mood tonight.
I guess I shouldn't sit in long spans of time I end up thinking. Today I bruised my foot. Don't ask me how because I was driving out of the drive this am and my foot was the recipient of a sharp stabbing pain. Over the morning I watched the bruise form and my foot swell. I can't put much weight on it so I did what any responsible person would do - see the MD. It wasn't broken in x-ray but I received orders to rest and elevate with ice on my foot. That is what I have done all afternoon and evening. It sure made for a nice nap but word of caution don't answer the phone when you have been dozing. I may have to ask for a repeat of the conversation. Then again that might not be a bad thing. Now the swelling is down until I try to walk!
I can hear the heavenly laughter! Scott was so used to me doing crazy medical things to myself. How else would he stand by me through a liver blood clot, being rear-ended by a 91 year old man, a surgery, almost dying after surgery all within six months. Now here I am again doing something crazy to myself. I'm bored sitting here. I am amazed how much I do around the house. I'm bored and lonely. For the first time in a long time I need to keep believing that I'm "in it to win it!"
You can only watch so much tv and DVR programs. I need to move and go but I know the rules. I need to keep believing that loneliness can be combated. I am good with me, myself and I for the most part. So I have thoughts and ideas. Dreams that will be realized and dreams that come from sleep that give me hope. So I believe in all the world has to offer! I believe that the support of friend from a phone call comes from somewhere even when I'm groggy. I can't stop believing that I have a life that matters to at least a few people. I believe that my life will keep growing beyond.
When I sat in the MD office today I saw the new Nurse Practitioner. She is new but was very nice. We had a lot in common including the same first name. Not only that her husband died two years ago. You see I have to believe that more people keep entering my life for reasons that are of a heavenly power. I have been stressed about the loss of my amazing physician and finding someone else to care for me all because of a bruised foot that happens for no reason I found my MD! I believe and that power of light and love will continue to surround me!

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