Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Letting Go of Emotional Baggage

"Injuries hurt not more in the receiving than in the remembrance. A small injury shall go as it comes; a great injury may dine or sup with me; but none at all shall lodge with me... Grief for things past that cannot be remedied, and care for things to come that cannot be prevented, may easily hurt, can never benefit me. I will therefore commit myself to God in both, and enjoy the present." - Joseph Hall

There are so many things in life that hurt. I've been hurt lots of times. I currently can say the loss of someone you were expecting to spend many years of love with is an injury that bears many scars. I think it is okay to release the grief most of the time to God. I still have times of "if only" but I know it is self-torture to dwell on those times. I don't know of anyone who hasn't had this experience even if the person you know is alive but most certainly when you lose a loved one in death.

I take so much comfort in the possibility that the next plane of life is more then we can imagine here on Earth. That the possibility that all answers will be given, that the "what ifs" are gone, the people we encounter have more compassion and love for one another. In my current life now I wish that more people would stop and look at how their actions of "throwing under the bus" just to save themselves isn't the way to make the world a greater place to live.  That putting rules on new people in your life for the mistakes of others doesn't give you a new experience that may be life altering.

We have all been hurt in life but I am at peace. I have found the peace to have a lighter heart and make each day better. To know I can touch other's lives for the good. I don't believe my life is over or that I'm forever alone because of the loss of my love. I have so many things I want to do that guilt wears me down. I have to believe in my heart that Scott will always honor is promise to love me to infinity and beyond and in that love he taught me how to love others. There will be a day that I look around and realize greatness has been thrust upon me. It could be in so many ways but I still have love to give and touch so many lives for the better! My grief still fades in and out. I still have tears each day but I'm still standing. At the end of the day I still have a life with a purpose.

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